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GoPro on Black Friday and Cyber Monday: The deals we're expecting to see

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If you're the rugged outdoors type who loves documenting your escapades on camera then you'll know there's really only one choice when it comes to picking the right kit: you need a GoPro.

They're not cheap, though, and if you want to get a great deal when buying one then Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2018 are the best opportunity to do so. We're going to be hunting down the best GoPro Black Friday deals so you won't have any problems finding the model you need at a knockdown price. Here's everything you need to know right now.

The best Black Friday/Cyber Monday GoPro deals: What we expect to see

GoPro Black Friday Cyber Monday deals: Fusion

GoPro's new Fusion model is great for 360-degree photos

GoPro is currently keeping things simple with its range of action cameras. Head to its site and you'll find it features just four models: the GoPro HERO7 black, HERO7 White and HERO7 Silver (be aware that these aren't just colour options; each model has slightly different features, with the Black the best of the three), and its 360-degree GoPro Fusion camera.

These are only its most recent models, though, and there are plenty of earlier GoPros out there that still pack some great performance and give you stunning video and photos. These older models are the ones that are almost certain to receive the most attractive Black Friday deals.

In particular, look out for GoPro HERO6 Black Friday offers; this model has only recently been superseded by the GoPro HERO7 and there's really not a lot to separate them. The GoPro HERO6 Black will still give you 4K video at 60fps, and it also features super-slow-motion 240fps video at 1080P, and while its retail price isn't much less than the GoPro HERO7 Black, when it comes to Black Friday then it's sure to see some much bigger discounts than its younger brother.

There's still a lot to be said for the even older GoPro HERO5 range, too. If you're not too fussed about having the very latest specs and have an eye for a bargain then this could be the sweet spot for the best of the price cuts.

For the cheapest GoPro option, however, look for the back-to-basics GoPro HERO, which launched this year. Simple and straightforward, it's lacking in fancy features such as 4K video and exposure control, but it's rugged and waterproof with voice control, and it sells for less than half the price of its full-powered siblings. We doubt there'll be huge discounts to be had, but what price cuts there are will be well worth sniffing out.

The best UK Black Friday and Cyber Monday GoPro deals in 2017

What sort of GoPro Black Friday deals can you look forward to in 2018? Here are some of the UK offers we found last year.

How to get the best GoPro deals on Black Friday/Cyber Monday

GoPro Black Friday Cyber Monday deals: Hero 6 Black

Look for older models like the Hero 6 Black, and see if there are any extras thrown in

The most important thing to bear in mind, once you've set your heart on finding GoPro Black Friday deals, is that by the time Black Friday comes around you may have already missed some of the best offers. Black Friday is big business for retailers and they don't want to miss the opportunity to shift some stock, so you'll find numerous stores jumping the gun and rolling out their deals in the weeks leading up to Black Friday. In short, start looking now, and don't be afraid to hop on a deal well in advance of the big day.

With that in mind, you'll also want to decide in advance exactly what kind of GoPro you're after and how much you want to pay for it. As we've already mentioned, there are subtle differences across similar-looking GoPro models; in the Hero range the Black has the best specs, followed by the Silver and the White. If you want to shoot 60fps 4K video then you're going to be very disappointed if you see a great offer on a Hero 7 Silver and order it without thinking.

Check for Black Friday deals with extras thrown in to sweeten the deal. Last year Amazon ran a fantastic offer on a GoPro HERO5 with a rechargeable battery and 3-way arm; two essential extras that you'd find yourself needing to get at some point anyway, so if you see a similar offer this year then it could be well worth your money.

And of course, use the same common sense that you would when buying anything else online; watch out for cashback offers that'll give you a welcome extra saving, check that the guarantee covers you if things go wrong, and don't forget to keep your receipt just in case you change your mind once the Black Friday fever wears off. Happy shopping!

3 GoPros to look out for on Black Friday/Cyber Monday

GoPro Hero 7 Black

If you demand the best in action cameras then you need to opt for the GoPro HERO7 Black; it's a great reminder of just why the company has dominated this market. It's expensive and has its faults, but it's great to see the company refining its gear and paying attention to key areas like video stabilisation. Great videos, great images and, great fun; what's not to love?

GoPro Hero

There are plenty of better-specified action cameras available for a similar price, including ones that'll give you 4K video, but they don't have GoPro HERO's slick design and polished. If you're just starting out with action cameras or need a budget option, this is a great choice.

GoPro Fusion

The Fusion's less about 360 video and more about not missing a thing thanks to its over-capture that allows post-editing in widescreen video; it's also brilliant for selfies framed without the selfie stick showing, and for 360-style photos. However it's let down by its app, which has connection issues and fiddly editing options as well as slow download speeds, and its Fusion Studio software, which is slow to use and heavy on processing power. The device itself works well – and it's waterproof too – but there are better 360 options available such as the Yi 360 VR and new Insta360 One X.

Today's best pre-Black Friday GoPro deals

Winter's drawing in and you might not want to wait until Black Friday to snag a cheap GoPro, so here are the best deals available right now; go get 'em!

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