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New bill mocks being paid ‘with exposure’

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For some reason, unlike any other industry we know of, non-creative folk have this idea that artists and designers like to do stuff for free. Actually, we do know why, it's 'for the exposure', right? 

Wrong. It's a misconception that has plagued the design industry since the beginning of time, and one which, quite rightly, gets on every creative professional's last nerve. In fact it's a cause of such frustration that many artists over the years have used their creative prowess to express exactly how they feel about it. 

The only free work creatives should really be considering is side projects that inspire, hone skills and help make yours one of the best design portfolios going. A prime example of such work is this offering from comic artist Joey Alison Sayers, with this tongue-in-cheek illustration of an 'alternative' dollar bill. 

The 'it's funny but not' currency replica replaces the original The United States of America and Federal Reserve Note text with 'The United States of Freelancio' and 'Just a piece of paper'. It also sees the removal of the Department of Treasury stamp in favour of a steaming pile of turd, leaving absolutely no doubt about how Sayers' feelings on working 'for exposure'. 

Posted on Twitter, it's no surprise Sayers' new currency has been liked, shared and commented on by many, all of whom clearly share the same discontented feelings about being asked to work for free. 

While we, like many, long for the day when projects like this no longer have to exist, we can't help but enjoy the fun and admire the craft and effort that has gone into this piece. Here's hoping art like this will continue to raise awareness and soon make the problem a thing of the past.

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