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11 easy-to-find plants that will improve studio life

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When you're setting up your studio or home office, you need to get your priorities straight. Naturally you need decent computer hardware, the right desks and some comfortable office chairs, but you also need all those little extras that turn a workspace into a welcoming environment.

A few plants can make a big difference to your studio ambience; a little greenery here and there can really brighten up the place and make things feel less sterile, and some good-looking plants are also handy models to help you improve your sketching skills. If you're clever about it, though, you can choose greenery that helps improve productivity and wellbeing in your workplace.

The plant experts at online florist, SerenataFlowers.com, have put together a helpful infographic featuring 10 plants that'll have a really beneficial effect in the studio (plus a few more with less work-related benefits). Here are five ways in which they can improve your workspace; take a look and then head for the nearest garden centre, and don't forget to pick up a watering can while you're there.

01. Increase productivity

Studio plants: Increase productivity

Choose Bamboo Palm or Golden Pothos for a more productive workspace [Image: SerenataFlowers.com] 

According to a study by the University of Exeter, simply having plants in the office can increase productivity by 15 per cent. They reduce stress and fatigue, improve memory retention and also regulate humidity and reduce carbon dioxide, helping workers remain energised. Particularly useful choices are Bamboo Palm, which is great for combating indoor air pollution, and Golden Pothos, which removes air toxins and also absorbs unpleasant smells – put one near the fridge or office microwave.

02. Reduce anxiety

Studio plants: Reduce anxiety

Both Lavender and Snake Plant bring mental health benefits [Image: SerenataFlowers.com] 

People are much more switched-on about mental health and self-care than they used to be, and while it's in no way a quick fix for mental health issues, having plants in the office can be an effective way of improving your mood and reducing anxiety. 

Lavender can slow your heart rate and lower blood pressure, making it particularly good for reducing stress, while Snake Plant is thought to reduce anxiety, cure headaches and improve respiratory problems. 

03. Clean the air

Studio plants: Clean the air

Improve the air quality in your studio with these plants [Image: SerenataFlowers.com] 

If you want to literally improve the atmosphere in your studio, a few plants can really help in removing harmful toxins such as harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene. 

Rubber Plants and Spider Plants are especially good at scrubbing toxins out of the air, and become even better as they age, and Peace Lilies are believed to improve air quality by up to 60 per cent – but be careful with them if you have office pets. Some lilies are fatal to cats, and while the Peace Lily isn't one of them, it can still make cats and dogs very unwell if ingested.

04. Repel critters

Studio plants: Repel critters

Mint and Basil will keep unwanted visitors at bay [Image: SerenataFlowers.com] 

With summer around the corner, it's the perfect time to open a window and let some fresh air in, but that inevitably results in unwanted insects buzzing around and getting in your face. But by having some Basil plants around doors and windows, you're less likely to be bothered by insects. Another option is Mint; it repels loads of insects including mosquitoes, and it can even keep mice at bay.

05. Help you sleep

Studio plants: Help you sleep

Get a good night's sleep by having Aloe Vera and Jasmine by your bed [Image: SerenataFlowers.com] 

Maybe not one for the studio unless you really value nap times, but if you want to feel refreshed at work then a couple of plants by your bed can help you get enough restful sleep at night. Aloe Vera produces oxygen at night, which can combat insomnia and improve your quality of sleep, while Jasmine flowers reduce anxiety levels and produce a gentle scent that can lull you into a deep sleep.

Looking for more than work benefits from your plants? Here's the full infographic from SerenataFlowers.com.

flowers in your office

Click to see the full-size infographic from SerenataFlowers.com

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