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The world’s favourite colour revealed

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G F Smith has announced that the world’s favourite colour is a rich teal hue, named Marrs Green. Some 30,000 people in over 100 countries voted for their favourite colour from a selection of public submissions, as part of a major global survey conducted over six months by the paper company.

Suggested by Dundee-based UNESCO employee Annie Marrs – who said she was inspired by the blue, grey and green tones of the River Tay – Marrs Green has been added to GF Smith’s Colorplan paper range.


Introducing Marrs Green, the world’s favourite colour according to GF Smith

But what colour, exactly, is it? Green? Blue? Teal? Aqua? Certainly it makes for an interesting comparison with Franklin Til’s 2017 colour trends predictions, which placed an emphasis on bright, organic green shades and softened blues.

In the Making of the World's Favourite Colour video below, we even spot G F Smith adding red pigment to the mix!

Of course, it isn't the first time a blue-green shade has come tops. In 2015, a YouGov survey across four continents found blue to be the world's most popular colour, coming top even in China where colours like red, yellow and green are considered lucky.

To celebrate Marrs Green, a pop-up shop in Hull will also sell a selection of customised British products sporting the colour, including a Tokyo Bike, Anglepoise lamp, furniture and clothing, before being transferred to GF Smith’s London Show Space on 12 July.

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