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Build scalable responsive components

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Whenever we talk about building maintainable and scalable websites, we inevitably come across JavaScript-related solutions like CSS Modules, Styled Components and Container Queries. Do we really have to use them? 

What if there's a way to build maintainable and scalable websites without JavaScript? What if it was possible to accomplish this feat in pure CSS without turning your code into a bloody hacky mess?

Freelance developer and writer Zell Liew is coming over from Singapore to Generate London (20-22 September) to give a talk and to run a full-day workshop on building reusable components without adding complexity to your code. This is crucial when building websites in our age. 

In his workshop, you'll learn:

  • How to create modular components that can be dropped anywhere on your website
  • How to scale components without over-complicating your code
  • How to structure your code to make it easy to maintain
  • How to deal with components that need to be placed in many different areas
  • How to write mobile-first CSS the easy way
  • What relative units are and when you should use which unit
  • How to change CSS without being afraid of breaking anything else on your website

Zell will share his experiences and approach to building responsive, reusable components. He'll even go deep into design principles and how they can shape your CSS. Other topics he'll cover include layouts, media queries, modularity vs scalability, naming conventions and more.

This workshop is for you if you want to build websites that are easy to maintain and scale, whether you're alone or in a team. Knowledge of Sass is not required, but recommended.

Other Generate London workshops on 20 September feature Steve Fisher on running design and content sprints, Anton & Irene on idea generation and the selling of the idea, and Jaime Levy on user experience strategy. The conference will also cover adaptive interfaces, web animations, performance, accessibility, chatbots, better teamwork, and much more. 

If you buy a combined workshop and conference pass for Generate London, you will save £95! Don't miss it!

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