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Cheeky Arse Vase supports HIV charity

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Ad agency Wieden+Kennedy and Swedish artist Fredrik Andersson have joined forces to create Arse Vase, a cheeky set of 100 handmade, ceramic bum-shaped vases. 

Designed to raise funds for east London HIV awareness charity Positive East, the £40 Arse Vases come in pink, tan or brown – with a choice of smooth and hairy options. (“Your flowers go in the arse hole, naturally,” reads the website.)


Fredrik Andersson's Arse Vase hasn't hit a bum note, so far

According to the makers, the Arse Vase is around the size of “a small loaf of bread”. It’s also watertight and can house a variety of items – although flowers are recommended. Helpfully, W+K has provided a hotline to call, should your finger become stuck. 

The project ties in with London Pride week, which runs from 24 June to 9 July. “This year around London Pride, we wanted to create something that helped raise badly needed funds, helped fight the stigma around HIV in a playful way and raise awareness about who Positive East are and what great work they do,” explain the team.

And there’s more: “It would make the best gift. Gift receivers will love and remember you for a long time and consider you an interesting, compassionate and culturally relevant person.”

Indeed. Either way, all proceeds go to Positive East, so if you’d like to own a limited-edition Arse Vase, now’s your chance.

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