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Illustrator using art to spread good news is the best thing you'll see all day

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The news isn't known for being positive and sometimes it feels like the whole world is full of doom and gloom. Well, one illustrator decided to counteract the negativity and created The Happy Broadcast, designed to be anxiety-free news.

Mauro Gatti describes his project as a "counter hate and fear culture project that features weekly illustrated positive news from around the world." Bright and personality-filled, they provide an antidote to the darkness of mainstream news. (If you'd like to create some illustrations of your own, check out our pick of the best Illustrator tutorials).

Instagram stories

Gatti engages with followers on Instagram to spread positive thinking

Gatti began the project in early 2018 and now has over 220,000 followers on Instagram alone. As well as posting news-based illustrations, Gatti uses Instagram Stories to spread positivity, posting questions with a mental health focus and encouraging his followers to answer by posting responses. 

With topics spanning from animal preservation to equality law, a positive focus on news doesn't mean fluffy news stories. 

"We are often bombarded with fear-mongering and shocking headlines that make us feel that the world is falling apart," Gatti says. "While it’s important to report problems and issues, I believe there is so much good in this world that just needs to be found and promoted. "The Happy Broadcast also feature a guest artist each week and so far we've been able to collaborate with amazing artists from all around the world."

The Happy Broadcast is a great example of how illustration can be used in sync with real life events. With illustration set to become more prominent in 2020, we wonder how else it'll be used by designers and artists. 

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