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Why enterprise designers should care about UX

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UXPin has spoken to over 3,000 designers to get an in-depth picture of UX for business products today. The design renaissance in the business product sector has been well documented, with startups like Slack and Gusto raising the bar in the industry, and major players such as IBM and Salesforce publicly embracing design culture.

UXPin’s 2017-18 Enterprise UX Industry Report delves into the trillion-dollar sector to find out what enterprise UX looks like today. It found: 

  • UX in business is still in its infancy: Only 26% of respondents report that a full-time UX role has existed for more than five years
  • Agile rules: 93% of respondents report they follow either an Agile or ‘Agile-fall’ product development process
  • Design consistency is the greatest challenge: With user testing and inter-team collaboration also causing headaches
  • Earning potential is strong: In the US, 72% of enterprise designers earn at least $75k a year

It looks like the renewed appreciation of design in enterprise products is set to continue. To find out more, download the report at UXPin.

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