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9 productivity mistakes you're making in the first 10 mins of your day

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As January gets underway, the majority of people are trying to upgrade their lives for the new year ahead. Increased productivity is usually near the top of the list for most, and the mornings are super-important when it comes to setting the tone for the day in front of you.

In fact, it's the first 10 minutes that could make or break your day, according to productivity experts. If that tiny window for success is inducing a sense of panic within you, don't fret because those same experts have created a handy infographic that will shake up your morning routine and increase your productivity. (See more of our favourite infographics here.)

The infographic is full of information related to focusing and planning, like emptying your brain before you begin any work. But there's more. Make sure you're exposed to natural light, don't sit down straight away and, we're sorry to say it, but don't drink any coffee. We know that's a tough one. 

If you feel inspired to make your own infographic, check out our list of the best infographics tools around.

Click the infographic to see it full-sized.


For more productivity tips for the new year, see our time management tools or time management tips.

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