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AirPod spaceships are the Star Wars mashup we've been looking for

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The design of the AirPods has always been a bit weird. When they first came out they seemed utterly ridiculous. Why would anyone want a wireless headphone that dangles down from the ear? But Apple being Apple, we were all quickly convinced that we did indeed want to spend our money on the AirPods (see our AirPods deals to pick up your own pair). 

And now, the AirPods seem cooler than ever, as Mashable illustrator Bob Al-Greene has imagined how they would look as Star Wars-esque spaceships. Al-Greene's illustrations include a spaceship based on the AirPods case, which does have a certain space-like feel about it. Even if it isn't 'Space Grey' like many other Apple products (see the best Apple laptop deals to get your own Space Grey tech).

"The idea to use the AirPods case, and then the AirPod itself, as a model for a spaceship, came from seeing other artists online doing similar exercises with household objects," explains Al-Greene. "I'd seen artists use spoons, tongs, and other random things as a base shape and I wanted to try the same thing. The AirPods and their case are so sleek, and I admire their design, but I wanted to try to turn them into something a little chunkier and more textured." 

Our favourite illustration is his drawing of a solitary AirPod as a spaceship. He asked on Twitter what they should be called, and got a few suggestions to add to his own idea of Pod Wing, including P-Wing, a wingpog and Starpods. We like Starpods the best. The whole series could perhaps be called Pod Wars.

AirPods as spaceships

We love all the details in this piece, including the background

There's also another rendering of the AirPods case. The top half of this one almost looks like a train. 

AirPods as spaceships

The coolest headphones in the galaxy?

We're hoping to see more of Al-Greene's AirPods-based illustrations soon, especially as he has already decided to do an AirPods Pro version at his colleague's request: "It's fun to think about because in space a vehicle doesn't need to be aerodynamic, so you can turn and orient it any way you want," he says. 

Follow Al-Greene on Twitter to make sure you don't miss the next illo. In the meantime, for more Star Wars-related fun, you can also check out the best Baby Yoda memes, ranked, as well as our favourite Star Wars fonts.

Or if it's AirPods you're after, see today's best deals below.

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