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Launch your Etsy shop with these 3 courses

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If you consider yourself an artist, crafter, DIYer, designer, or anyone who has ever used their creative talents to make something special, you owe it to yourself to check out the Launch Your Etsy Store: 3-Course Bundle.

Chances are you're already familiar with Etsy and may have even purchased something from the platform before, but if you've been hesitant about putting your own creations on Etsy to sell, this three-course collection can shed some light on what's involved and the steps you can take to build a successful shop. Here's a breakdown of what's included: 

If you want more advice on building your online portfolio, see our inspirational design portfolios and tips on how to start a blog.

01. Build an Etsy storefront that sells

Getting your products seen on Etsy may seem like a daunting task, especially if you want to make a profit from your craft. Learn how to make your hard work pay off and create a viable online storefront with the help of Etsy expert Lisa Jacobs. With over 15 lessons and 5 hours of content, you'll learn how to showcase your products effectively, polish your storefront to attract visitors, and avoid mistakes that may be driving customers away. 

02. Etsy 101: Launch your homemade shop

You created your beautiful products, now what? Make the most out of your craft and set up a store with the help of Etsy veteran, Marlo Miyashiro. Having been involved in the retail and wholesale craft industries for over 20 years, she knows a thing or two about selling jewelry online. With 14 lessons, you'll learn how to navigate the interface, get a guide to setting up your shop and listings, and gain insights on relevant Etsy policies, so you're better equipped to launch your store properly.  

03. Marketing your Etsy shop for sold-out success

If you're wondering how to transform your shop into a primary source of income, this 15-lesson course is for you. Lisa Jacobs, a top-earning Etsy shop owner and marketing consultant for creative entrepreneurs, brings you robust marketing strategies to help get your brand the exposure it needs. Build on your passion and work toward getting paid to do what you love with lessons on creating consistent business plans, brand voice strategy, and so much more. 

Originally around $130, this Etsy store master class bundle is on sale for only $19.99 (that's 84% off). Launch your online store and start selling the products you want to share with the world.

Prices subject to change.

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