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Can you spot the hidden trick in the new Multiply logo?

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Multiply is the financial app you've never heard of. And Ragged Edge is here to change all that, as it has recently rebranded the UK's first FCA-approved AI app. The service provides free, automated financial advice, and its new tongue-in-cheek visual identity promises to propel it to new heights. 

The concept is pretty simple, the app is called Multiple and so Ragged Edge went for rabbits, because erm... rabbits multiply. But simplicity is memorable (as our logo design guide shows), and we think this works. The refreshed logo also includes some neat little details, like the rabbit ears formed in the negative space of the 'M'. It's perhaps a slight stretch, but we like it. 

Multiply rebrand

The black-and-white colour scheme helps make the message stand out

The wordmark uses Sharp Type’s Doyle Black Italic, a modern take on Cooper Black, which was used on the likes of The Beach Boys' album, Pet Sounds. This choice of typeface conveys a sense of fun and familiarity. 

Elsewhere, playful animations of the rabbits and engaging copy help draw people in. Overall, this doesn't look like it should be the identity for a finance app, and that is kind of the point.

Multiply rebrand

This would get our attention while waiting for the train

"Rabbits. Multiply. When you see it, you get it. The visual identity is all about that confidence," says the Ragged Edge project page. "In a category of look-a-likes and sound-a-likes, it all comes together in a stupidly simple but surprisingly deep brand. A brand that can both educate and motivate."

We're inclined to agree. Engaging people to care about their finances can be tricky, and we think Ragged Edge has done a good job of helping Multiply to stand out in this sector.

We also love the little rabbit ears that pop up around the identity. They give a little nod to the rabbit theme, without taking it too far (they could've really gone for it with rabbit puns, for example). Overall, we think this is a very effective visual identity. 

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