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Apple WWDC 2020 moves online (but not for a few months)

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Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference is the latest event to have to change its plans due to coronavirus. But worry not, it isn't cancelled altogether. Instead, it's been repackaged as an online event, and instead of happening in March or September as per the usual Apple practice, it's taking place in June.

Apple itself is upbeat about the situation, stating that the new format will enable it to connect with "millions of developers", and will be "packed with content for consumers, press and developers". Fingers crossed we'll all still be excited about Apple's tech by then.

What should we expect from the online conference? Well, we were hoping to learn more about Apple's upcoming releases. So far, we've had our fingers on the pulse regarding the hottest new intel, but if you haven't been following it, then check out our roundups covering the rumoured new budget iPhone 9, updates to the whole MacBook Pro line, and, of course, all the latest leaked iPad 2020 info.

iPhone 9 concept render

A mock-up of the rumoured iPhone 9

"The current health situation has required that we create a new WWDC 2020 format that delivers a full program with an online keynote and sessions, offering a great learning experience for our entire developer community, all around the world," said Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing. "We will be sharing all of the details in the weeks ahead."

Of course, even after the conference, there's still the question of when all that new tech will make it out of China. But right now, we're just glad that for now, some events are being postponed or moving online, rather than being cancelled altogether.

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