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Time Out's simple rebrand makes perfect sense

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Time Out has rebranded as Time In, in recognition of the amount of people practising social distancing in response to coronavirus. The temporary new branding appears on several of Time Out's regional websites, including London and New York.

Many Time Out websites are now promoting stories related to staying in, from takeaway tips to Netflix recommendations. Several regional editors have posted statements on their respective sites explaining the temporary rebrand, and why it has been necessary with so many people staying indoors. 

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Time Out logo

The temporary new logo

Time Out New York editor Will Gleason says in a statement, "With gatherings of over 500 people in NYC currently banned, it's clear: serious precautions need to be taken to halt the spread of coronavirus. We've changed our logo temporarily to acknowledge this new reality, but rest assured: Time Out New York will continue to help you discover the best of the city, whether it's Time Out or Time In."

A similar message was shared by Time Out London editor Joseph Mackertich: "A little bit of London is coming into your living room," he says. "Hopefully it's been sterilised." 

Both editors acknowledge the difficulties facing small businesses right now. "Quite frankly, right now is a shit time to be a small cafe, niche gallery, indie cinema or specialist shop in London," says Mackertich. "We will continue championing the independent businesses across the capital, that make London the brilliant city that it is."

Time Out New York homepage

The new logo in action on Time Out New York's homepage

For a company based on (and named after) the concept of leaving the house, the current situation presents an obvious challenge. Time Out's temporary rebrand seems a smart move, and a great example of making the best of a bad situation. It's incredibly simple, and manages to maintain a sense of fun. As Mackertich says, "As long as we look to each other for strength, reassurance and humour, nothing can defeat the city. Love each other and stay safe."

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