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8 simple pleasures we're looking forward to in safer times

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They say you don't know what you've got till it's gone, and many people are finding that now that they are having to stay inside, the banalities of their previous daily lives are more appealing than ever. 

And while the things people are missing about life before coronavirus will vary from person to person, we bet there are some that creatives in particular will be craving. Below, we've listed some of the activities that we can't wait to do once this is all over. 

Note that we are speaking from a position of complete privilege, we could of course be able to live without the things below, and we understand why it's important not to do them right now. But in future, we'd really like to enjoy them if they are available, please. In the meantime, we'll just be here trying to make the best from working from home

If you're stuck for ideas as to what to do with your time, then don't miss these free online resources for designers and artists. And make sure your studio is kitted out as best as it can be with our roundups of the best desks and best office chairs

01. Going out for a coffee

Getty Images coffee cup

We just can't make such pretty patterns at home

If you've stocked up on some decent coffee, then we're not saying that staying in to enjoy a good caffeine hit doesn't have its benefits, but you still just can't beat going out for a cup.

At this point, we don't even really care if its not the best cup of coffee ever brewed. We'd just like to be in a café surrounded by plants, people on laptops and breathing in the smell of freshly baked bread while we cradle a cup of Joe. Obviously, if we could have a friend or two to talk to while we're at it, that'd be even better. 

02. Physical contact

Those who live with other people are probably okay on this front, depending on who they're co-habiting with, but spare a thought for the people living on their own. Self-isolation or lockdown may mean that lone dwellers might not touch another human being for a good few weeks yet. Save us a hug for when this is all over?

03. Supermarket shopping without the panic

We know we're still allowed to go the shops (at the moment), but doing so isn't exactly a pleasant experience right now. Apart from the half-empty aisles, everyone has a slightly harrowed look in their eyes, and we can't help but feel bad if we happen upon any sort of tissue-related good, let alone pick it up and buy it.

Remember the glory days when all you used to worry about in the supermarket were unexpected items in the bagging area? Take us back there, please. 

04. Real-life meetings

people in a cafe laughing

Meetings in a café = even better

Okay, we never thought we'd say we miss meetings, but there you go, we do. We're all for staying in contact via the internet, and yes, there are a host of tools that make it super-easy to hold meetings online (we're looking at you, Zoom), but things are just easier when you're physically in the same room together. 

You can do novel things like pore over a magazine or a piece of paper together, or even look at the same laptop screen. Plus, there are sometimes snacks.

05. Cultural pursuits

Does anyone else miss the luxury of going to see a really bad film at the cinema? A really good film would be lovely too, with popcorn, ideally. We also wouldn't mind taking a casual stroll around an art gallery, or perhaps catching something at the theatre. Hell, we wouldn't even mind watching a bad busker. 

Meanwhile, check out our best online art galleries for some stay-at-home inspiration.

06. Group exercise

Daily exercise has literally never seemed so appealing, we find ourselves saving it up like tokens to spend before the sun sets. But real-life group exercise... remember that? While we usually try and inch away from our sweaty gym-mates, the thought of being surrounded by them suddenly seems more appealing. 

Imagine being able to talk to someone else while you do an activity together, or receive real-world corrections from a teacher or instructor on your technique. To some of you, this will seem like a nightmare, but if you've got the bug for exercising with others, then you'll know what we mean. 

07. Design events

Audience at Vertex

Events like 2D and 3D art conference Vertex now seem like a lifetime ago

Too many of our favourite design events have been cancelled recently. We love nothing more than a good creative event that brings people together. Even though some of these events have gone virtual, we miss the chance encounters that happen when people meet in real life. Those chats you have while you're waiting to see the next speaker, or queueing for a drink, plus the chance to meet our design idols in real life, of course.

08. The pub

Last but not least, if we could all just depart to the pub at the end of the day to chew the fat about what's happened (or even better, not happened) that week, that would be marvellous. Clutching a glass of wine on your own – even while on Zoom – just isn't as good. We'll have some chips on the way home, while we're at it, thanks. 

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