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Learning how to draw perspective correctly could change your entire drawing process. Whether drawing traditionally with pencil and paper, or digitally using a graphics tablet, I still construct even the most complicated scenes entirely using the draughting techniques of the horizon line and vanishing points that most people will have learnt in art class.

This might seem strangely over-complicated, when it's so easy to quickly mock up a basic version of the scene using 3D modelling programs to guide your drawing, but when you set out a perspective drawing by hand, you give yourself some flexibility in interpreting the method. In following and often slightly bending these rules, you enrich the narrative composition of the image by adding depth, drama and atmosphere. Here are some of the methods that I use most frequently, including one-point perspective and two-point perspective.

Also read our guide to the art techniques you need to know, and our roundup of the best how to draw tutorials.

how to draw perspective

The final image, based on the initial perspective drawing above

This article was originally published in issue 301 of Computer Arts magazine. Buy issue 301.

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