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Where to buy face masks right now – plus how to make a face mask at home

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If you want to know where to buy a face mask, you're in the right place. Face masks are selling out quickly around the world, so we've put together this list of online retailers that still have face masks in stock. 

Bear in mind that the face masks in this article aren't medical: they won't protect you from getting COVID-19. However the general advice is that wearing a cloth or homemade face mask can help protect other people, if you're carrying the virus without realising it, for example. And that's where we can help – you'll find an up-to-date list of where to buy face masks below. 

Should you wear a face mask?

Official advice on whether you should wear a face mask while out in public differs from country to country. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US recommends wearing a face mask if you are in a place where it's hard to maintain social distancing – in the supermarket, for example. Some states such as New York are even making it mandatory to wear face masks in public when social distancing isn't possible (different rules apply in different places, see CNN's full list of states here). 

With medical masks in really short supply right now, at time of writing, the UK government is currently discouraging people from wearing them, instead recommending the use of scarves, buffs or homemade face coverings if you need to leave the house. 

Elsewhere, earlier in the week Germany announced it will be compulsory to wear face masks in most states while on public transport or out shopping from Monday. All this makes the question of where to buy a face mask even more pressing.  

Where to buy a face mask: quick links

Luckily, there are plenty of places to buy non-medical, handmade face masks online, but it can feel a little overwhelming trying to choose the right face mask for you. What exactly should you be looking for? 

First of all, consider what type of face mask you want to buy: some are more like bandanas, some are glorified scarves or T-shirts and others are more like the sort of eye mask you might get in a posh spa – but for your mouth and nose. When making your face mask choice, remember that cool features are no good if your face mask isn't functional. It's especially important to ensure that your mask covers your mouth and nose safely, with no gaps, so check the sizing of the mask before you buy it. You also don't want to be touching the mask all the time, so you need one that will stay in place.

And as we're a design site, it'd be rude for us not to mention style considerations. While a face mask isn't a fashion accessory, having one that is aesthetically pleasing can be, well, pleasing, both for you and those around you. 

Also consider comfort – some masks can be uncomfortable around your ears, depending on the material they are made of and how they are fastened – elastic in particular can cause problems if it is too tight, but also think about how long you're likely to be wearing your face mask for. 

The best face masks are also reusable and washable, and many of them come in packs of more than one so you can always have one clean and ready to use.

Read on for our best face mask options. And if you're feeling inspired to give creating your own face mask a go, then also see our guide to making your own face mask, at the end of this list (jump to how to make a face mask here). 

Where to buy a face mask: US

Where to buy a face mask: UK

How to make a face mask at home

Making your own face mask is a viable alternative to purchasing a cloth one if you are a keen sewer – and even if you're not, it's a good chance to learn. Below are a few steps to follow to ensure you make the best mask possible. Note that the same as above applies, we are not saying that these face masks will necessarily protect you and other people, and the recommended hand washing and social distancing measures should still be followed:

  • Find the right fabric: You can buy fabric on Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk . You won't need a huge amount per face mask – the CDC recommends 10 x 6-inches per mask, or 25.4 x 15.24cm. Some pre-cut fabric squares will be big enough for this
  • Find a pattern you like: The CDC has a pattern for making your own face masks here, and includes options to making bandanas and a quick T-shirt face covering. There are also plenty of alternative patterns about, including this one from Trend Patterns (video below).
  • Consider adapting the pattern: You may want to adapt the pattern to better suit you or whoever you're making the mask for. Consider using wire to make the mask stiffer, and how comfortable and effective the elastic, string, ribbon or twine you're using will be.

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