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Face masks UK: Should you be wearing one? Plus where to buy a face mask in the UK

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As some European countries have begun softening lockdown restrictions, face masks have become the world's most coveted commodity. More and more we're seeing wearing face masks being made mandatory for when people leave the house. Face masks are required to be worn while shopping in Austria, while some states in Germany are dishing out fines for those not wearing one in certain public spaces.

Until recently, UK-wide guidance stopped short of suggesting that the public wear face masks – but that changed recently when Scotland's official face mask guidance was updated to state that "there may be some benefit in wearing a facial covering when you leave the house". Rather than surgical or medical-grade masks, which are currently very low on stock, it suggests one made of cloth or other textiles through which you can breathe – see our where to buy a face mask article to get yours. 

On the 30th April at the UK's government daily coronavirus press briefing, Prime Minister Boris Johnson commented they may be useful for epidemiological reasons and to give people confidence in returning to work, but more would be announced on official guidelines next week. 

But still, little has been revealed as to the government's plans. On the 5th May, UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab was asked in the daily coronavirus press briefing whether the government policy changed on face masks. Again the answer came that they are considering SAGE's (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) advice and will say more shortly.

But with talks of lockdown easing slightly in the UK, more and more it looks like face masks will soon become an everyday item in UK households, and you can make sure you've got one handy just incase with our up-to-date list below on where to find face masks in the UK. And if none of those designs take your fancy, don't miss our how to make a face mask article, which details three simple ways (two with no sewing required) to make a face mask at home. 

Where to buy a face mask in the UK: quick links

  • Etsy.co.uk – artist face masks from just £3.99
  • Ebay.co.uk – washable face masks at a bargain price
  • HYPE – get three face masks for £24.99 with 100% of profits to the NHS
  • Go Outdoors – get Buff face masks, which can also be used as a scarf
  • Cotswold Outdoor – get Buff's merino wool patterned face covering. 

Where to buy a face mask in the UK

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