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Sell work even faster with Adobe Sign

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The time-consuming and often tedious process of filling out paper model or property releases has been streamlined thanks to the latest innovation from Adobe. With Adobe Sign, creatives can fill out their crucial legal documents digitally and start selling their work faster than ever.

As part of an update to the Adobe Stock Contributor Portal,  Adobe Sign lets creators fill out their releases digitally, send them to the model or property owner via email, sign them electronically and return to the Contributor Portal all without having to print them off and scan them back in.


The streamlined Adobe Stock Contributor Portal in all its simple glory

This update is sure to be music to the ears of creatives who are used to completing the bulk of their work digitally. No more will they have to go through hours of drawn out paperwork and signing off – instead, the whole process can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Creating a release is simple. Simply visit the Releases tab and click the Create a Release option. From there you can choose to generate a release with Adobe sign without the hassle of creating an account.

After that, all you have to do is fill out the name and contact information for your model or property, attach a reference photo of the subject, and fire it off via email.

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