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How to choose the right prototyping tool

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Prototyping is perhaps one of the most important parts of the web design process. By building a website prototype we can test ideas with users, we can be wrong, we can learn, but most importantly we can do this quickly. But choosing the right prototyping tool can make or break the outcome. 

When picking a prototyping tool, be sure to ask yourself these three questions:

01. What do you want to learn from your prototype?


If you want complex features in your prototype, use something like Axure

Want to test if you have the flow through a process right? Look at tools like InVision or Marvel. Want to know if users can complete an online form usefully? You’ll need tools like Axure or a real coded prototype.

02. What resources do you have to build a prototype?


Use a tool like Marvel if you need to get things done quickly

If time’s short, explore quick paper prototypes (you can use InVision or Marvel to turn these into clickable prototypes). Have a bigger team, and dev skills? There’s nothing better than a coded prototype, as the code can go towards the final product.

03. How will you test? 


InVision makes it easy to test and incorporate user feedback

Are you testing with real users? Are there technical constraints with the test? How will you record the test or collect feedback? And what will you do with the prototype? All these decisions will help you choose the right tool.

This article originally appeared in net magazine issue 294. Buy it here!

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