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Remove backgrounds easily with Fluid Mask 3, on offer

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There are some tasks that are a necessity, but still a total pain. Cropping images is one of those tasks. Instead of putting yourself through this painstaking process, trust Fluid Mask 3 with the task. You can get it on sale now for just one quarter of the usual retail price!

Whether you're cutting out images for a design project or to try to remove a less than stellar part of a photo you want to post, the process can be a drag. Fluid Mask 3 takes the pain out of the process. This high-quality masking app makes it easier than ever to quickly cut out images thanks to its segmented masking procedure. It's so simple, you'll wonder why you've been doing it the hard way all this time.

Fluid Mask 3 usually retails for $99, but you can get it on sale now for 74% off the retail price. That means you pay just $24.99 (approx £19) for an app that will save you tons of time, so grab this deal today!

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