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cPanel EasyApache 4 Installing Imagemagick and imagick PHP extension - fixed

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I found a nice clean guide for imagick PHP through SSH here:




cPanel EasyApache 4 Installing Imagemagick and imagick PHP extension

This is a quick guide on how to install both the imagick PHP extension as well as the application via SSH.
Written by Justin Catello
Updated over a week ago

This is fairly simple, just copy and paste the following into SSH.

1. Installing imagemagick:

yum -y install ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel ImageMagick-perl

2. Installing the imagemagick PHP extensions for all installed PHP versions.

for phpver in $(whmapi1 php_get_installed_versions|grep -oE '\bea-php.*') ; do
printf "\autodetect" | /opt/cpanel/$phpver/root/usr/bin/pecl install imagick
echo 'extension=imagick.so' >> /opt/cpanel/$phpver/root/etc/php.d/imagick.ini

3.  Test to make sure imagemagick is installed:

/usr/bin/convert --version

4. Test to make sure the PHP extensions loaded:

for phpver in $(whmapi1 php_get_installed_versions|grep -oE '\bea-php.*') ; do
echo "PHP $phpver" ; /opt/cpanel/$phpver/root/usr/bin/php -m |grep imagick
PHP 54
PHP 55
PHP 56
PHP 70
PHP 71



Problem with this guide is this command:


echo 'extension=imagick.so' >> /opt/cpanel/$phpver/root/etc/php.d/imagick.ini


We noticed with our colleagues in angellight.com it causes duplicate SO entries in:


as it shows here:





 You see these errors appearing in PHP's log files: 

ERROR - 17/08/2020 18:48:48 --> Severity: Core Warning --> Module 'imagick' already loaded Unknown 0
ERROR - 17/08/2020 18:48:48 --> Severity: Core Warning --> Module 'imagick' already loaded Unknown 0
ERROR - 17/08/2020 18:48:49 --> Severity: Core Warning --> Module 'imagick' already loaded Unknown 0
ERROR - 17/08/2020 18:48:49 --> Severity: Core Warning --> Module 'imagick' already loaded Unknown 0
ERROR - 17/08/2020 18:48:49 --> Severity: Core Warning --> Module 'imagick' already loaded Unknown 0




This usually means that the module has been loaded more than one time i.e. there are at least two instances of the directive that loads the module in PHP's configuration files. This can occur when the module has been installed multiple times using different utilities (yum, pecl, etc). In our case the directive looks like this: 






First, we need to identify what PHP version the domain (AKA VHost) is using. You can run this command to confirm the PHP version the domain is assigned to:  


uapi --user=$USER LangPHP php_get_vhost_versions | egrep -i domain -A 1

Here $USER must be replaced with the name of the user the domain belongs to. The output looks like this: 


uapi --user=cptest LangPHP php_get_vhost_versions | egrep -i domain -A 1

 domain: foo.testing.com
 version: ea-php72
 domain: sub.cptest.net
 version: ea-php72
 domain: foo1.bar1.com
 version: ea-php72


You will see the PHP version each domain is using listed underneath the domain name. Now you need to go to this location:


cd /opt/cpanel/ea-php##/root/etc


Don't forget to change the PHP version (ea-php##) in the above path with the domain's PHP. And now if you recursively search for the module-loading directive from above, you should see more than one line showing up: 


grep -ir imagi *



You need to edit one of these files and comment out the line where the directive appears and then restart the PHP-FPM service from the WHM > Restart Services > PHP-FPM service for Apache interface. The error messages should now disappear.  






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we decided to automate the whole process so we did this:

find /opt/cpanel/* -name zzzzzzz-pecl.ini -exec grep -Hn  "imag" {} \;

find /opt/cpanel/* -name imagick.ini -exec grep -Hn  "imag" {} \;

find /opt/cpanel/* -name imagick.ini -exec sed -i 's/extension=imagick.so/;extension=imagick.so/' {} \;


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