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Web animation: No code required

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Ever slogged through creating responsive, user-considerate, and downright drool-worthy web animations? When it comes to animations on the web, it is the creative thinking that makes it stand out from the crowd. The code behind the animation is the function that makes it work.

What if you could put your ideas into practice without having to learn to some heavy coding techniques? This is what Webflow aims to do: it creates tools that  empower creative brains to produce awe-inspiring technical feats for the web (no code required).

Leonard Souza, tech lead at Webflow, will be joining us at Generate London on 20-22 September to walk you through today's treacherous landscape of web animation. 

He'll also demonstrate Webflow's brand spanking new Interactions 2.0, feature designed to save you countless hours of tedious coding, give you jaw-dropping animations for your shiny portfolio, and provide a sturdy steel bridge between the world of animation and web development. Hear your clients and colleagues go from 'Yeah, that's nice...' to 'Wow! How'd you do that?'

Click the image below to purchase your ticket.


See Leonard Souza and a host of expert web design and development aficionados at Generate London. Get your tickets nowt

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