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Wave goodbye to server admin with Fasthosts

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Hosting specialist Fasthosts has introduced a new service that promises to free its users up from dealing with server admin. CloudNX is an ideal platform for all virtualised services, and comes with a number of managed options that mean users without server admin experience – or those who simply would rather focus their energies on something more creative – can hand over tedious server administration tasks to Fasthosts to deal with.

There are three different options, depending on the level of control you want to maintain. Read on to find out how each one works.

01. Root Servers


Root Servers are typically unmanaged, which means you need to install a complete set of software before you can put your virtual machine to work on the task at hand. Fasthosts provides the Linux or Windows operating system, plus a cPanel or Plesk control panel if needed, and the rest is up to you. 

This solution is perfect if you want to build a highly customised hosting environment. However, if you're not comfortable with the technical requirements of server management, it might not be the best choice for you.

02. Managed Stacks


Managed Stacks are custom software bundles that include everything a web project needs to run on the CloudNX platform. To start coding, simply select your preferred database, web server and scripting language, and Fasthosts will take care of the operating system, software updates and security. 

The managed part of this option refers to everything Fasthosts does behind the scenes. Managed Stacks enable you to launch your software stack on a powerful, dedicated platform, without the stress of dealing with the admin that usually comes with it.

03. CloudNX applications


CloudNX applications are designed for customers looking for the benefits of Managed Stacks, but with the simplicity of content management within a single app. Rather than messing around with code, you just need to focus on providing the content for your site.

Popular CMS applications including WordPress, Drupal and Joomla can be pre-installed on the platform on an optimised software stack. You just need to ensure your chosen app is updated regularly (or that automatic updates are configured) and Fasthosts will manage the rest of the stack for you. CloudNX Applications are ideal for anyone who wants a specific CMS on a managed underlying platform, with dedicated performance and no shared resources.

The next generation of cloud platforms


CloudNX offers a tailored environment for your scripting language or app of choice without you having to worry about the overhead of maintaining that environment. Take a look at the Fasthosts website to find out more about the different management options.

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