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The secrets of a successful launch

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Finally, it's the all-important day that you unveil your new product or service to the world. Congratulations! This is the moment you've been building towards. You might think you've reached the end of the road – and, shortly, you can enjoy a well-earned beverage of your choice – but really this point is just the beginning of the journey.

Email a primer

All being well, you should have an email list in place with an audience that has expressed an interest in what you're doing. 

A day or two before your launch, you can build anticipation by emailing your list (using one of the 10 best email newsletter tools) and letting them know that the countdown has begun. This primes your audience and ensures they're on the lookout for your launch email.

Connect on social media

Email is, of course, just one way to connect with your potential customers. Equally important are your other social media channels, which you should have prepared content for (check out our 5 golden rules for social media strategy article for guidance).

If all goes well on the day of your launch, you'll be incredibly busy, so ensure you've prepared everything in advance. On launch day it's critical to share your story far and wide. Focus on getting the message out and engaging with your audience, and you'll maximise success.

Contact influencers


The Product Hunt community is perfectly positioned to promote your product

To help spread the word, it's a good idea to contact your influencers, priming them for your launch. An email or a direct message a day or two beforehand will ensure they're ready for the reveal and lined up to help spread the world. They will give your campaign a helpful boost.

In our connected world we're incredibly fortunate to have a wealth of tools at our disposal that we can use to help promote the products we make. Tools like Product Hunt, Hacker News and other product galleries are perfect for driving traffic to your site.

Product Hunt is a passionate community that's focused on sharing new products – it's an excellent tool to share your story, enabling you to reach others who might not be on your mailing list or following your social channels.

Engage with followers

Your goal is to get a conversation going and engage with potential new customers. Conversations work best when they're natural, not scripted. 

When replying, be courteous, and remember: you're not a robot so don't just copy and paste generic replies. Instead, respond to individuals individually and seek to nurture relationships. Your followers will appreciate your humanity and they'll support your cause by spreading the word.

Clear the calendar for launch day

Clear the decks for the day of your launch, ensure your calendar is empty and focus your mind on the day ahead. 

All being well, when you unveil your product it will – to use a well-worn phrase – fly off the digital shelves!

This article originally appeared in net magazine issue 295. Buy it here.

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