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Go from design to code faster with Justinmind

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Justinmind is a prototyping platform that lets you design digital products without messing around with code – and it has just introduced an intuitive new interface that should put designers and developers on the same page at last. 

By adding Justinmind into their workflow, UX and UI designers can make their prototypes developer-friendly and ensure what they design is translated into the final product, with no miscommunications. The new interface includes a design inspector where developers can download assets, grab CSS styles and see all the information they need to start coding. 

What's more, Justinmind understands how developers think – screens are displayed in tree mode, to make them easier to understand and work with. Take a look at the video below, or read on to find out more.

So how does Justinmind make things easier for developers? First up, it enables UI designers to pack graphical assets in a way that makes sense as part of the development workflow. Developers can see and copy all the CSS styles and UI element locations required to put the design together, and they can also download any necessary graphical elements.


Secondly, it makes it simple for developers and designs to start collaborating early on in the prototyping process. In Justinmind, UX/UI designers can share prototypes for others to comment on. Not sure if your idea will be effective (or even possible) in reality? Share it with the dev team and ask for their thoughts before you waste hours designing it in detail.

Finally, with Justinmind, you can add as many developer role users as you want, for free. That means you can make sure the whole team is on board, from brief to shipping. Download Justinmind now to streamline your prototyping workflow and remove the barrier between design and development.

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