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Knowing how to make an app has never been more vital. We've covered the best iPhone apps and iPad apps for designers elsewhere on the site – but here we're looking at how to make them. Why? Because apps are everything. 

Without an app, a PC is a typewriter, and a smartphone or tablet is a slab of glass and metal. If you’ve been bitten by the app bug and hanker to make your own, getting started can be intimidating. This feature points you at tutorials, explainers, resources, and videos that can help you learn how to make an app.

We’re not forcing you towards Apple’s maw either. Although we do cover how to create apps for iOS and macOS, there are also tutorials for Android and Windows here, along with a cross-platform list covering concepts and ideas every app can benefit from, and technologies that can be deployed across a range of platforms. 

In some cases you’ll gain knowledge, but some tutorials even leave you with a complete (if simple) app to mess around with. You can skip to the section you want using the dropdown menu above.

The only restrictions on your part are the kit required to work on the tutorials (which may be as little as a device like an iPad Pro to watch videos, and a whirring brain to take everything in) and time. Money isn’t generally an issue, because all of these tutorials are freely available – or at least freely accessible using trials.

How to make iOS apps for iPad and iPhone

Apple’s iOS platform remains the best bet on mobile for innovative and production-oriented apps. If you want to learn how to make an app for iPhone or iPad, check out the links below.

01. Watch Apple developer insights


Get some background to app-making with Apple developer insights

Rather than immediately delving into making an app or game, it pays to find out what makes them successful. Apple’s developer insights videos have creators of hit apps share how they built sustainable businesses, cultivated communities, and kept their products fresh through regular updates and feature innovations.

02. Create a Messages stickers extension

If you’re desperate to get cracking and make something, this YouTube video by The Code Lady is a good place to start. In just a few minutes, it leads you through the process of using Xcode to fashion a simple Messages extension. It’s not a ‘proper’ app, sure, but it’s a toe in the water.

03. Start developing iOS apps


This course breaks down the elements of building an app

This course by Apple is broken down into sections that give you a grounding in building interface elements and working with table views. The end result is a simple meal-tracking app, with which a user can add, remove or edit a meal, along with specifying a name, rating and image.

04. Make iPhone apps (even if you have no experience)


These tutorials are a great way to start making an app

Chris Ching’s guide for his own Code with Chris site is a series of videos to take you through the process of creating an app. Unlike many guides, it starts with no assumptions. But in carefully working through the friendly tutorials, you’ll learn Xcode, Swift, interface design, user interaction, and computer logic.

05. Develop iOS 10 apps with Swift


You'll need a bit of coding knowledge for this course

Available through iTunes, Stanford’s course on developing for iOS has been updated for iOS 10 and Swift. The course comprises a series of lengthy video-based lectures with supporting material. Note that you will need some knowledge of C and object-oriented programming to be comfortable with the course.

06. Create your first iOS game

In this series of seven videos from Awesome Tuts, you go through the process of creating a simple endless runner gravity flipper game. What you end up with is basic, but gives you insight into working with backgrounds, players, character movement and collectables. Keener on apps? Check out Awesome Tuts’ Uber clone.

07. Design for all Apple screen sizes


This will help you get a handle on Apple's screen real estate

Although penned during the iOS 8 days, this article full of developer insight remains relevant to those targeting multiple Apple screen sizes. And you should – the best modern apps work on anything from the smallest iPhone to the largest iPad. Savvy developers also think beyond, to the world of the Apple TV and even Apple Watch.

08. Understand iOS accessibility


Accessibility is all-important when making apps

Accessibility is a fundamental component of all Apple’s output, and iOS devices are no exception. The best apps are aware of – and utilise – key accessibility technologies. This video series runs through many of them and also how to audit apps to ensure their functions are discoverable to and useable by all. (You’ll need a free trial to view this Lynda tutorial – or sign up and subscribe.) 

Next page: How to make an Android app

Android is the Windows of the mobile world, enjoying a colossal user base and huge market share. To get in on the Android app action, check out the links below to learn how to build an app.

01. Watch Android developer insights


Gen up on Android with the developer insights

The Android Developers YouTube channel is a great starting point for immersing yourself in everything about Android development. It houses videos from live events, along with a bunch of demos and tutorials, covering everything from improving accessibility for all users through to dealing with the ins and outs of Android Wear. 

02. Build your first Android app


Get stick right in to Android app-building here

This rather comprehensive official Android website offers a slew of training guides. Work through the documentation and you’ll learn how to create an Android app, support various device types, deal with interface elements, and more. Also related and noteworthy: the Material design site, outlining the platform’s modern vision for aesthetics.

03. Follow the 10-day Android app program


10 days to learn how to build an app? Sign us up!

Looking at swathes of documentation? Not sure where to start? Adam Sinicki’s post for Android Authority breaks down the process of Android app development into 10 simple steps. Well, mostly simple – one is ‘learning the basics of Java’. But although 10 days is perhaps pushing it, a few weeks isn’t, if you’re dedicated.

04. Create a voice-controlled Android app

Build your first Android app

This course will teach you how to build a voice-controlled app in 12 minutes

One of the futures of apps involves bellowing at devices rather than stroking them with a digit. This course runs through how to create a voice-controlled Android app in just 12 minutes. The course costs $3, but you can watch for nothing if you sign up for a free trial.

05. Understand responsive Android app interfaces


Get responsive with this app-building tutorial

A weakness in many Android apps is their inability to scale well. And yet Material Design lends itself neatly to responsive designs that should work on any device, from tiny smartphones to huge tablets. This tutorial gets you started on creating apps that more fully adapt themselves to varied screen dimensions and orientations.

06. Learn about Android’s thumb zone

app tutorials

The most fun you can have with one hand

Once, smartphones were small enough that the average thumb could reach the entire display. Not so much now. iOS suffers from this problem, but Android more so, due to the tendency towards increasingly large devices. This Smashing Magazine feature outlines how best to cater for one-handed smartphone usage.

07. Switch from iOS to Android app development


Perform the old app switcheroo with help from this article

For the most part, iOS is where the money is, but Android’s where most users are. It’s therefore a smart move to at least consider shifting iOS apps across to Android. If you’re wavering, this article outlines the main considerations for making the move, noting that you can in fact utilise a great deal of your existing experience.

08. Discover Android app dev dos and don’ts

Getting To Know The Android Platform

This broad advice on how to build an app is priceless

Jessica Thornsby’s piece for Tuts+ is quite general in nature, but it offers vital and sage advice on subjects such as designing for multiple devices, considering languages, accessibility concerns, and thorough testing. You won’t end up with an app after reading it – but any apps you do make will be better.

Next page: How to make a Windows app

Although Microsoft’s mobile aspirations were all for nothing (sorry, Windows Phone fans), Microsoft’s still dominant on the desktop. Moreover, its ambitious universal approach to development means apps you create potentially have reach across a wide range of platforms.

01. Get started with Windows apps

How to build an app tutorials

Head to Windows Dev centre to kick things off

Microsoft’s Windows Dev Center is the natural starting point for anyone keen to make windows apps – for PCs, tablets, phones, and more. There are explainers about Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app development, insight into Windows conventions, and a bunch of code examples.

02. Understand Windows app development

App tutorials

This great series will help you expand your app-making skills

For those entirely new to Windows development, this set of dozens of videos walks you through the process of creating UWP apps. Neatly, the series is also peppered with challenges to help improve your skills. (Note that it assumes you know the basics of C#.)

03. Create your first Windows app


Learn how to make an app that speaks

If you want to quickly get something working, this tutorial has you create a simple ‘Hello, world’ app for UWP using XAML and C#. Also, rather than just fling up a dialog to say hello, this little app will speak.

04. Make a Windows clock app

How to build an app tutorials

Creating this simple app will teach you plenty of skills

Another tutorial for creating an app, but this one for Tuts+ goes a bit further. Vivek Maskara leads you through the process of making a clock, where the background gradually shifts colour by converting the time to a hexadecimal value.

05. Learn the basics of universal Windows app development

How to build an app tutorials

Another great Lynda.com app-building course

This Lynda.com course introduces you to the concepts behind UWP development – and it also helps you learn C# along the way. By the time you’re done, you’ll have a fully working app you can install – and ideas for taking your skills further.

06. Create a UWP game with DirectX


Learn how to craft a game with this tutorial

Sadly, this tutorial from Microsoft doesn’t leave you with a playable game at the end. Still, you do at least learn to work on the major components of a game: creating a game loop, rendering, controls, audio, and adding imagery.

07. Make multilingual Windows apps

This 12-minute video rapidly leads you through the process of creating a multi-language Windows app. The example has a text button that can be displayed in more than one language, but the general principles extend to any app.

Next page: How to make macOS apps for Macs

Apple is perhaps more known for iOS apps these days, but the Mac’s still going strong – and importantly for app developers, has an audience keen to pay for quality software. So make some!

01. Check out the Mac App Programming Guide

How to build an app tutorials

Don't let the lack of recent updates put you off checking this out

Alarm bells might ring on spotting the lead image here, which sports an old-style OS X Dock. And indeed, Apple’s guide’s not been updated since 2015. However, it still provides a decent overview on the fundamentals of creating Mac apps, so give it a read.

02. Learn about macOS Human Interface Guidelines

How to build an app tutorials

The HIG is the bible of MacOS development

A key factor in the Mac’s success has been the intuitive nature of Mac software, driven in part by consistent interface components. Much of the magic is down to the Human Interface Guidelines, which should be considered a bible of sorts for any serious Mac developer.

03. Create apps with Swift 3

Design an iPad app user interface

Learn the basics of building an app for MacOS here

This Lynda.com series takes you through the basics of building a Mac app. It starts with Xcode, and introduces the important concepts you’ll need to learn in order to create a Mac app. You’ll also learn how to get apps on to the Mac App Store and optimise them for the Mac’s full-screen mode.

04. Create your first macOS apps

Design a photorealistic iOS app icon

This series for beginners is pretty comprehensive

We’re in full-on developer mode in this raywenderlich.com series for beginners. The first part leads you through a tour of Xcode before building a ‘Hello, world’ app. After that, you’ll create a timer, beefing up your interface and user interaction smarts. 

05. Master macOS windows


Windows are key to understanding Mac app building (ironically)

Still on raywenderlich.com, this feature focusses purely on windows – the containers for Mac apps. It explores apps with single windows, library-style interfaces, and multi-window demands, and how to work with them all. A related (and more recent) tutorial delves into view controllers, which are useful as building blocks for complex user interfaces.

06. Build a show/hide macOS app

If you just want to get on and build a quick project, this six-minute video is ideal. Crack open Xcode, follow along, and you’ll end up with a little app that shows/hides all other apps.

07. Create a word reversing macOS app

Another super-quick project, this video takes under ten minutes to lead you through the entire process of building an app that reverses text strings you input. Hungry for more? Check the author’s feed, because she’s uploaded a bunch of other Swift tutorials for macOS and iOS.

08. Add Touch Bar support to macOS apps

The Touch Bar is Apple’s most recent Mac-oriented input innovation, and we like what developers are doing with it. Want to enhance your own apps with Touch Bar goodness? This quickfire video tutorial from Zappy Code shows you how.

Next page: App dev tips and cross-platform thinking

This final grab-bag of links is all about articles with general advice on making apps, and those technologies that enable you to create once and deploy to multiple platforms.

01. How to build a Progressive Web App


PWAs combine the benefits of native and web experiences

Progressive Web Apps combine the benefits of native apps with the perks of the web. PWAs can be saved to your homescreen (just like a native app) and thanks to Service Workers, they can run offline. However, unlike native apps, they don't need updating – which is a win for UX and for security. This tutorial shows you how to build a Progressive Web App for yourself. 

02. How to name your app


Naming your app is not to be rushed

What’s in a name? Quite a lot as it turns out. What your app’s called isn’t only important from a search standpoint, but also in terms of recognition in stores and on a device. This Creative Bloq article outlines how to pick the right name – and the difference doing so can make.

03. Get to grips with mobile app onboarding


The right onboarding process can make sure people engage with your app

The majority of people's phones are littered with apps they installed, played around with once, then forgot about. If you want to make sure your app doesn't end up being abandoned, take a look at this guide to mobile app onboarding. It walks through how to show users how your app works, and (where necessary) get them to commit to it without putting them off. 

04. Design better app icons

Getting your app’s icon right is of paramount importance. Icons are what grab people’s attention on stores, and what they prod on a device display. Michael Flarup’s talk from Generate outlines best practice for icon creation. And if you need a little inspiration, check out our feature on the best iPhone app icons.

05. Understand the power of colour

Create an iPhone game

Colour usage is key to usability, accessibility and branding

Given the penchant for relative minimalism in modern operating system interfaces, colour is vitally important. Nick Babich’s feature explores how to create an effective colour scheme through utilising colour theory and strong use of contrast. Need some apps to help? Check out Creative Bloq’s favourite free apps for picking a colour scheme.

06. Discover the best wireframing tools


Wireframing helps you turn your sketches into a workable app

You can’t – or at least really really shouldn’t – just delve into making an app without thinking things through. One of the more important components of planning an app is wireframing – stripping down your intended product to focus on functions and interactions. This Creative Bloq piece lists 20 tools to help you do so.

07. Build a game in Unity


You need to learn Unity if you want to build a game

How often have you fired up a great game and seen the Unity logo appear? This is for good reason – Unity is a powerful tool for cross-platform games development. At raywenderlich.com, there are explainers on the technology, along with how-tos that enable you to create your own Unity games. 

08. Discover GameMaker


GameMaker is another great utility

GameMaker is another tool for creating games that can be exported to a range of platforms. The link above takes you through to a page housing videos that help you get to grips with the technology, creating an exciting arena shooter while doing so.

09. Build an app using NW.js

app tutorials

Learn how to create a web app with this article

Although we never quite hit the moment where web apps became ubiquitous, many apps do have a foundation of native web technology. In Julian Motz’s Sitepoint article, you’ll use the NW.js framework for creating a cross-platform desktop app.

10. Develop cloud apps using Xamarin


This is for advanced app-builders

Xamarin is another cross-platform framework, albeit aimed at mobile. Adrian Hall’s free and open-source book is intended for C#-savvy users who’ve already built with Xamarin, and want to take their efforts further by utilising cloud services. If you’re not there yet, the introduction links to resources for getting that foundation first.

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