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How to start a side project: 21 pro tips

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Every designer should have a side project. But whether you're developing a world-changing startup, an enterprise to eventually replace your day job, or just something fun, you’ll inevitably be sacrificing your spare time. So it's important to make those precious hours count. How? Here's a series of tips to help you on your mission.

01. Start small and build up


Remember that a new side project starts as a blank canvas – it won't be perfect first time

It’s tempting to keep adding features and details to your project because you want it to be perfect from day one. Resist the urge.

It's important not to overcomplicate on your first iteration. Test the water and prove that the idea can work first. Producing the bare essentials and then iterating based on results or feedback is a proven method, plus it keeps any costs manageable.

Focus on your first version, and worry about all the problems that might occur if you’re successful once they're closer to being a reality. For example, you don't need to build your own retail website when you could begin by using Etsy.

02. Follow your passion


A Song A Day began as a passion project to help people discover new music

Above all, your side project should be about something you're passionate about. If you have a day job, then it's going to be your free time that's sacrificed. Assuming that this job is paying your bills, you have the advantage of not having to focus on making money with your side project (for now). So it's vital to focus on something you really enjoy.

If you're looking for an opportunity to eventually break from your day job and generate income, don’t let this dampen your passion and guide all your decisions. Focus on great work and the money will follow, otherwise you may be setting yourself up for heartache later on.

03. Learn as you go


You're not going to know where you'll end up at the beginning – and that's okay

Choose something familiar and develop more expertise in it. Your side project might be to learn a whole new skill from the ground up, and this guide should still be applicable. However, if you use this as an opportunity to master something you’ve previously enjoyed and already have some skill in, results will come faster. If these skills are also transferable to your day job, you’ll see a multiplying effect in your advancement.

04. Don't worry about failure


Don't let the fear of failure stop you before you've even started

You might find yourself thinking too hard about the details – this can turn into a form of procrastination. Before you know it, you've found 100 reasons not to do anything. Naivety and determination have carried through many successful start-ups. Don’t worry about failure – what else can you absolutely fail at and still get back up and have another go? If your side project fails, simply try again or try another project.

05. Play to your strengths


Graze magazine, a side project that combines a literary magazine with a food publication

Being a creative means you have likely acquired some instincts that are useful for starting off a successful side project or business. Playing to these strengths will give you a head-start. Let's take a look at a few of them.


While producing work for clients, you'll inevitably put yourself in their shoes. To design effectively, you must understand what makes their service or product tick. If you’ve been paying attention you’ll have learnt loads about how other businesses operate and how they generate revenue.

Visual awareness

You make things look great – for a living. Be it branding, packaging, interactive design or illustration, combining this ability with great ideas ensures your project is attractive to customers and supporters.

Focused thinking

You’ve likely experienced working on several projects in parallel and have become adept at swapping your creative thinking from one task to another. This skill ensures that you can give your side project the focus it needs, even when you only have short bursts of time to spend on it.

06. Seek feedback


Seek feedback from people you trust to be honest

It can be hard to fully articulate your vision before you’ve started working on it. Talking to people is the best way to cohere your ideas.

07. Ignore naysayers


Thin Martin incubated MusicMetric as a side project

Listening to feedback doesn't mean you have to take every piece of criticism. Early on there might be people who will deter you and those who think you’re crazy, either because they can’t see the opportunity you’ve spotted or are concerned you might fail.

Believe in your project and don’t be deterred by naysayers. It’s more productive to bounce ideas around with people once you've taken the first few steps and your project is a reality.

08. Don't outlay a ton of cash


Don't fork out until you know the direction your project is going

I've been party to this. If you're going to shell out on equipment or software, you’ve really got to be sure your venture will fly. If you later decide that it isn't going to work, then you're stuck with the equipment or a financial commitment. Find innovative ways around the issues; maybe rent or borrow equipment. Inventing a solution will deepen your understanding of the problem.

09. Balance your commitments


Make the most of your time to ensure your project doesn't fall by the wayside

Your day job likely involves deadlines, goals and admin to ensure your work is progressing effectively. You should apply these same high standards and care to your own project work. Don’t treat it like it’s a second-class pastime. Make use of the tools at your disposal to get organised: for example, Evernote for recording ideas; a task list for getting things done; and your calendar to schedule your time. This will also help you maintain focus on your day job and not get distracted.

10. Consider collaboration


Scrum Your Wedding was a side project started by a group of friends

Ask yourself whether your contribution can be completed alone or whether you would benefit from partnering with someone to expand your ideas. You can keep arrangements quite casual and, as things progress, agree some terms in principle.

Next page: More tips for how to start a side project

On page one, we covered Jamie's advice for starting a side project. Here, we've spoken to a range of other industry voices. Here are some of their tips...

11. It's not all about the money


The success of a project shouldn't be measured just in terms of profit and loss

"Sideline projects shouldn't be about the money," argues Manchester-based freelancer Matt Booth, who moved into app development using his existing Flash skills. "They are about exploring new techniques and technologies without the pressure of a client or a deadline." 

His advice is to stop talking about it, and do it: "It's all about getting something out there for people to see and interact with," he adds. "It can be refined later, but it needs to exist first."

12. Have big dreams


Life Audit, a system for evaluating your life and priorities, began as a personal project

Based in Portland, Maine, Matt W. Moore runs an online store selling prints, posters, books and typefaces, as well as skateboards, surfboards and clocks. 

"It's the energy and focus I put into these 'sideline' projects that ultimately keeps my phone ringing for client work," Moore says. "I love personal work, so if I can afford it I'll do it, regardless of the likelihood of sales. Don't think of them as sidelines; think of them as dream projects. And enjoy yourself!"

13. Consider your goals


Consider whether your goal is profit or exposure

"Consider whether your goal is profit or exposure," advises Florida-based Joshua Smith, aka Hydro74, who's in the process of producing custom playing cards, coins and poker chips to serve as business cards.

"It's all about margins. If your selling-cost breaks even, then you've already lost money on it, unless it's strictly for self-promotion. But for me, extra income is a by-product: the relationships I build through my sidelines help fuel the core part of my business."

14. Keep exploring new options

side projects

Keep an open mind and keep trying to generate new ideas for your side project

Argentine designer and illustrator Leandro Castelao likes to spend at least one day out of his working week on sideline projects, and sells prints online. "I've started giving some time to exhibitions, as well, as I've found these can be very important for promotion," he adds. "It's all about challenging and exploring. I don't really think about the money I'll get, but sometimes I've received a commission because of a personal print, and that can really make it worthwhile."

15. Work hard to work less (eventually)


Planned Outage was born when a couple of co-workers planned a trip to unplug from startup life

Freelance designer Alan Wardle also runs the streetwear brand AnyForty. For Wardle, the rewards are creative, rather than financial: "I invested a lot to get it up and running, and put any profit back into new ranges. For the first two years I worked on it for six hours every night, and all weekend. But now I only need to spend an hour or so a day, unless a new range is about to drop."

16. Practice, practice, practice


Just keep going!

"If work has quietened down for a few weeks, I'll throw myself into something self-initiated," reveals Huddersfield-based freelancer Jeffrey Bowman. "For me, it's about keeping going. Sideline projects give me the chance to step back and try something new: use them to challenge yourself and your practice. It's a chance to be free, and give back to yourself and others. You don't want to become a machine that reproduces the same work, visual style and ideas."

17. Find a really good printer


A decent printer will cost a bit, but it will be a good investment in the long term

"Invest in a really good printer," suggests Israeli-born, New York-based illustrator Tomer Hanuka, who sells reproductions of his work online. "Prints should be as high quality as original art or silkscreens." Any seemingly daunting outlay should be compared to the cost of a limited-edition run with a professional printing firm, and Hanuka advocates spending $1,200 or more. "Yes, these are expensive machines, but the investment should pay for itself," he insists.

18. Don't use cheap packaging


Invest in the right packaging for your project

Hanuka warns against skimping on packaging when selling your work online. "Resending damaged prints can be costly," he points out. "Make sure your packing is super solid. I put the print in a plastic sleeve and tape that between two hard backing boards, which are in turn inserted into a sturdy cardboard envelope. Another route is to use a tube, if your prints are on a lighter paper that rolls naturally."

19. Step out of your comfort zone


Try something different with your personal work

"Customising products is definitely something I'd like to do more of," says Birmingham-based freelance illustrator Tahgasa Bertram, aka Sweaty Eskimo. "I find most of my commissioned work is for print and web, so I try to avoid this type of work when I do personal stuff," he continues. "Recently, I've started working on personal projects that keep me away from my Mac altogether: drawing on walls, skateboards and anything else that I can apply my style to."

20. Turn a sideline into a product


Lauren Hom hand-draws signs for local restaurants in exchange for the food she writes out

Through his sub-brand Legacy of Defeat, Hydro74 also designs and sells custom typefaces. "It's a minor side business that was built to create a residual income that can support various endeavours, or assist me during dry months," he explains. "It's always relaxing to take a hobby and make it into a successful sideline, and the beauty with digital products is that there's nothing invested except time, so they tend to be pure profit that you can reinvest."

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