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Make 2018 your best year ever with Computer Arts 275

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Quit your job. It’s a pretty empowering statement: if you’re not creatively rewarded, feel like you can’t reach your full potential, or are generally under-appreciated, don’t just sit there and take it: make 2018 the year to make your dreams a reality.

Buy Computer Arts issue 275 now!

Issue 275 of Computer Arts magazine explores the topic in detail, as part of an issue dedicated to making those new year’s resolutions count for something.


Everything you need to take 2018 your best year ever...

Collectable die-cut cover

CA issue 275 is all about making a promise to yourself: a pledge to make 2018 your best year ever. The specifics, of course, are up to you – the magazine provides some suggestions, and some advice to get you started – but only you know what your list of goals looks like.


The rather special collectable cover has several special finishes, including foil, emboss and die-cut, provided by CA's print finishing partner Celloglas: watch a video of it being produced below...

Get inspired to make things happen

Sometimes there’s no substitute for unswerving passion and hard graft: the co-founders of Bristol-based studio Fiasco threw themselves into business seven years ago with no prior experience whatsoever, and ended up with a BAFTA and a D&AD Pencil within their first few years of business. 

Find out how they did so in the video profile in CA issue 275.


Bristol-based Fiasco is the subject of CA issue 275's video profile

It may not work out all the time, but you can learn from that too. In a one-off special feature, CA's regular behind-the-scenes project diaries at the back of the mag have been replaced with private diaries instead.


These include creative concepts by world-class designers Marian Bantjes and Michael Johnson that never made it off the drawing board, but are still inspiring pieces of work in their own right.

Also in Computer Arts issue 275


Why you should quit your job in 2018


In conversation with satirical sculptor Wilfrid Wood


The latest design work from around the world, including Halo's rebrand of Fierce & Noble

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