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Accelerate your product workflow with Moqups

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You may have heard of Moqups and assumed it was just for creating wireframes and mockups. Far from it: Moqups is a full-featured web app that includes powerful wireframing and prototyping tools – and could revolutionise your creative workflow. 

With this all-in-one creative platform, you can design, prototype and diagram collaboratively – all within one flexible app. In short, it will take you all the way from preliminary brainstorming and ideation to final product design. Read on to find out even more about what Moqups can do.

Feature focus

Moqups is designed to streamline and enhance your project workflow. Developing a new product requires a whole range of different assets and elements, from sitemaps and wireframes to prototypes. These elements don’t exist in silos either – they all need to work together, and they often evolve in parallel as ideas develop and issues get ironed out. 

To keep things streamlined, it makes sense to have all your product management assets on one platform. Because Moqups is an all-in-one tool, you can create all of these different materials without ever having to switch apps. It's completely flexible, and you can use it in whatever way suits your approach or project – start with a wireframe, flow diagram, sitemap, or just dive straight in with a prototype!


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With Moqups, it’s simple to jump seamlessly between these different elements to see how your product might work. For example, if you want to elaborate on a particular element of your wireframe, you can always use Moqups’ interactivity feature to link that element to a diagram with extra specifications or requirements. This keeps the wireframe clean, while still providing your team with all the information they need.

Moqups is perfect for creative collaboration, too. Your whole team can get involved to create parts of the project and explore each others' ideas. The issue of multiple stakeholders is also addressed: the platform helps establish a shared creative context, so everyone from system architects and product managers to developers can stay on the same page, and contribute to the project in real time. And we all know what a great time-saver that can be.


Working within an all-in-one platform like Moqups is also a win for management – there's just one subscription, one budget and one invoice to worry about. Plus, there's one learning curve for your whole team (plus stakeholders); no more fumbling around trying to get to grips with the intricacies of multiple different tools at once. 

If you're after an all-in-one online design platform that's smart, simple and fast, Moqups could be perfect for you. Try it today to see how it can transform your product design workflow.

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