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How to price logo design services

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When it comes to talking about money, logo design is one of the most contentious areas of graphic design. After all, how much work can it possibly take to design a logo? How can it cost companies millions to commission logo designers, when a straightforward tick seems to work well enough for the likes of Nike?

Understandably, this sort of attitude can push graphic designers over the edge. Designing a great logo is, of course, much harder than it might appear to the untrained eye. 

But how do you tell your client that creating a logo takes a fair bit of time and money? Pricing yourself is a common problem – especially when you're just starting out. Luckily brand strategist and Blind founder Chris Do is here to help creatives secure themselves the best deal.

Recorded as part of a Money Talk workshop, this video sees Chris explain how to pitch your logo design services. Running at half an hour, this in-depth video tackles the vagueness of logo design pricing with the help of real-world examples, as well as providing some useful tactics creatives can use in the future. Check out the full talk below.

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