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How to draw a rose: beginner and advanced tips

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So you want to know how to draw a rose? Well, you're in the right place. When it comes to drawing flowers, there are many different ways to start the process – and many angles to choose from. 

In the video below, I unpack some ideas for how to draw roses to make them a little less daunting. I provide a list of written tips further down the article that outline the key drawing techniques involved, too.

You'll also find some additional resources covering how to draw roses for beginners and more advanced artists at the very bottom of this article.

How to draw a rose

Roses are the most popular flowers in the world, so it’s not surprising that they are often found in art as well. However, learning how to draw a rose can be complicated and intimidating for two reasons.

First, a rose’s shape continually changes as it blooms making it difficult for the artist to answer the most basic question, 'What shape is it?' Second, it's a soft and delicate object; communicating that requires considerable skill and sensitivity. 

Follow these pro tips to learn how to draw a rose...

01. Draw draw draw!


Understanding comes through repetition

Begin by sketching the subject from different angles and reference pictures. This will give you a good sense of whatever it is you’re drawing and help you look for new insight. Your 100th drawing should always be better than your first one. Drawing something over and over again is necessary for drawing with power and authority. 

Also, by drawing something repeatedly, you will become more confident of the subject, which will allow you to take chances. So draw with abandon and don’t worry about how good those initial sketches are. Draw to learn; each drawing is leading you closer to the perfect rose.

02. Successful thinking leads to successful drawing


Don’t just see; think about what you see

Successful drawing is more about logical thinking than having a trick up your sleeve. Start by observing your subject and asking the most basic question: What is the shape of this thing I’m drawing? Is it round? Square? Roses are complicated shape-wise because their unfolding petals distract us from its basic shape. 

The obvious fact is that a rose is an unfolding bud, so it’s egg-shaped: wider at the bottom and narrower at the top. So start by drawing the egg-shaped bud and then add in all the petals unfolding and opening around it. Make sense? Now that's an example of great thinking surpassing simply drawing what you see.

03. Good reference, good silhouettes


Shapes are our friends

Not all reference is created equal. Sometimes rose pictures that you find might not be helpful to your drawing because they look wilted and not heroic, or be strangely shaped and not very rose-like. Make sure the photo you choose to draw from has a shape that can be instantly recognised as a rose. 

Once you get drawing, you can turn your rose into a silhouette to see its overall shape and discern if it effectively communicates a rose. If you’re working from good reference, checking the silhouette will keep you on track.

04. Form


Good form makes your rose believable

If your drawing has good form, that means it has a three-dimensional quality to it that makes it look real and believable. The best way to render (i.e. draw) form is to make sure that you think about what part of the rose you're drawing so that your hand movements follow the same curves of the petal or the roundness of the stem. 

Making round movements around a round object clarifies form; if something is round, use circular strokes to give the illusion of curvature. 

05. Story


Everyone loves a good story – even when you're drawing roses

You might wonder what 'story' has to do with a rose. Everything! Whereas an amateur artist might draw a stiff stem and leaves (boring), an experienced artist will see the stem and leaves as a chance to tell a story because that’s what will connect them with the viewer emotionally. 

You can turn the mundane into something magical through exaggeration. Even though the differences between the two roses (above) are slight, the one on the right is much more interesting than the one on the left. 

Just by adding a few exaggerated bends in the stem, tilting the bloom, and injecting a little wonder into the leaves, my drawing goes from stiff to lively.

Here are some additional tips to take your roses to the next level...

How to draw a rose: beginner tips

If you’re brand new to drawing roses, this screencapture walkthrough breaks down the process into basic shapes. This tutorial is aimed at children and beginners – by the end you’ll have a basic grasp of how to draw a rose.

How to draw a rose: advanced tips

For expert insight into how to draw roses, this six-minute video tutorial provides a masterclass for sketching a realistic, eye-catching rose with crisp petals.

If this 'how to draw a rose' article inspires you to educate yourself further, head over to Schoolism.com to discover courses, workshops and more. It’s an amazing way to study with the pros.

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