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5 Facebook power tips for greater success

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Facebook is the number one social media platform on the planet. Using it the right way will ensure that your posts will improve engagement and give you a boost over your rivals

01. Get local

If you are only going to do one thing with social media from now on then it should be this. Join as many local community groups as possible and post regularly in them. Get known, provide advice, answer questions. Just participate. People buy from people they know. So make sure everyone knows you.

02. Use memes

People love to share funny pictures. The picture itself isn’t going to get you any business, but becoming known as a person who is funny isn’t going to do you any harm at all. Social media is about interaction. Be the person that everyone likes. Try to make what you share relevant.

03. Know your audience

Every single Facebook tip boils down to one thing. Get to know the people around you, and make sure they know you. Talk to people, answer their questions for free, be the guy everyone likes, the first person they think of. Then when they need something, you’ll have already sold it.

Recommended app

Tabsite enables you to create tabs in Facebook, so you can run competitions, sweepstakes, and special offers.

Create tabs in Facebook with Tabsite

Create tabs in Facebook with Tabsite

04. Integrate email marketing

Do you have a regular newsletter? If not then shame on you, go start one now. Then integrate the sign up with your Facebook page. There’s no point in going to all of the effort of making people like you if you don’t leverage it to get an opportunity to pitch your business.

05. Retargeting

We know it kind of goes against the ethos of this list to suggest you simply pay for adverts, but Facebook’s retargeting system rocks. And even better it doesn’t have to cost much. The more people see you the more likely they are to buy, so retarget to make sure they see you again!

Engage with customers

Generate NYC 2018 runs from the 25th-27th April 2018

Generate NYC 2018 runs from the 25th-27th April 2018

The latest addition to the Generate NYC 2018 line-up is tech entrepreneur and customer success expert, Joseph Palumbo. With over a decade of experience, his insights into product development, service delivery, design, and user experience helped some of the largest tech companies gain a competitive advantage by listening and adapting to their customer’s needs.

Listen to Joseph talk about pulling from his entrepreneurial background to effectively read each audience, employing the iterative process, building a structured journey, and setting the tone with the perfect first joke.

Get your ticket now


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