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49 design agencies to follow on Twitter

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Whether you work in graphic design, web design or 3D, the web is full of inspiring content – and Twitter is a great place to find it. But the social media platform can be an overwhelming experience if you don't know where to look.

So to help you out, we've rounded up this list of top design agencies to follow on Twitter. They'll point you in the direction of awesome creative content and industry insight in no time.

01. Studio Sutherl&


Studio Sutherl& only launched in 2014, but has quickly established itself with a stunning portfolio, and recently bagged the number one spot on Computer Arts' list of the UK's top 50 studios. The studio's Twitter features some great examples of its work, and is well worth turning to for graphic design and typography inspiration.

02. The Beautiful Meme

We're totally down with The Beautiful Meme's outlook: 'Simultaneously taking everything too seriously and not very seriously at all.' Look carefully and you'll find some great examples of the brand and advertising agency's work, but it's the random images and videos, and occasional 'Mood in the studio' tweets, that'll get you hitting the Follow button.

03. Koto

Formed in 2015, Koto designs and builds brands across digital and physical, and made its name with a global rebrand for Fanta. Its feed is the perfect place to look if you want to see some cutting-edge branding work from a studio that believes in uncompromising positivity, cadence and endless hustle.

04. johnson banks

A veteran brand consultancy with over 20 years' experience under its belt, johnson banks specialises in cultural, educational and not-for-profit clients, which makes for an inspirational Twitter feed. Recently the team has been celebrating founder Michael Johnson's D&AD President's Award, while giving his book, Branding: In Five and a Half Steps, a well-deserved boost. 

05. Sawdust


Sawdust's Twitter feed is full of innovative new design work

Sawdust, the creative partnership of Jonathan Quainton and Rob Gonzalez, has won D&AD and Type Directors Club awards, as well as coming a creditable 11th in Computer Arts' 2016 rundown of the top 30 UK design studios. The pair's Twitter feed is a great place to catch up on recent work, cool stuff and the odd Photoshop tip; apparently Batch Automate Sequential Saving has changed their lives.

06. Happy Cog

Web design and user experience consultancy Happy Cog specialises in targeted, effective content and standards based design. With multiple tweets a day, this is a brilliant Twitter feed to follow to keep up-to-date with all things in the world of web design.

07. Supereight

Supereight is a small and friendly UK studio that creates lovely websites, apps, icons and illustrations. The team don't tweet so often, but everything they post on their account is certainly worth reading.

08. Zurb

Californian product design company ZURB is a close-knit team of product designers who help startups and larger companies design websites, services and online products. As you can see from their Twitter feed, they're very responsive to their 32k+ followers and keen to engage in conversation with them.

09. SmashLab

Based in Vancouver, SmashLab is a creative agency with expertise in digital, brand and advertising. Its Twitter feed is a hearty mix of all the things agencies do best on the social network: sharing design process insights and useful articles, and truly engaging with the community.

10. Digital Jungle

Digital Jungle is China's largest independent content-focused digital marketing agency, boasting 120-plus staff in China and Asia. Its main focus is working with Western organisations to deepen the relationships between their brands and Chinese consumers – so the firm's Twitter feed often offers fascinating insights into how the East and West is working together.

11. Stink Studios


Follow Stink Studios for cutting-edge industry insights and inspiration

With offices in London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Shanghai and Berlin, Stink Studios is an award-winning production agency and creative studio that's home to over 100 full-time developers, animators, designers, digital producers, film producers and directors. We give them top geek points for holding a wide-ranging Twitter debate in binary.

12. Tool of North America

Tool has been "convincing people to buy things they don't really need to buy since 95", as this integrated product company proclaims on its homepage. It's this sort of tongue-in-cheek honesty that makes the broadcast and digital agency a must-follow.

13. Reading Room


Follow Reading Room for up-to-date industry chat

Reading Room started with a staff of two from a flat in north London in 1997. Its now providing digital communications to clients around the world with a staff of more than 180 working from the UK, Australia and Singapore. Actively engaged with the design community, its Twitter feed is a must-read for anyone keen to keep up with the latest industry hot topics.

14. UNIT9

UNIT9 is a multi-disciplinary production company working across mobile, physical installations and the web in London, Stockholm, Florence and San Francisco. The agency makes good use of its Twitter account, making you feel part of every debate, development and activity it gets involved in.

15. Huge

The Twitter feed of the, er, huge global agency Huge is a great resource for design-related posts. Not ones to be selfish, the team regularly support and share their fellow designers' work and news. They've also mastered the art of using 140 characters to attract attention too. Killer tomatoes? Come on, who wouldn't want to read about that?

16. Pentagram Design

For anything design related – announcements, recent news, new work, interviews and so on – this is the feed to follow. One of the world's leading multi-disciplinary design firms, Pentagram continues its great work on Twitter with continuous updates providing informative and inspiring creative content.

17. Mother London


The Mother crew have taken a novel approach to their Twitter feed

Want something a bit different? Then check out the Twitter feed from creative agency Mother London. Instead of using it in the normal, self-promoting way, these guys decided to open it up to one and all and every week allow a different person to control the 'Tweet seat'. There's no agenda and anything goes, so follow to find out!

18. The Neighbourhood

There's a friendly, personal and chatty Twitter feed from the guys at The Neighbourhood. As well as occasionally plugging work, the team also regularly engage in conversation with their followers, and fully support other designers and creative agencies.

19. Big Spaceship

The Twitter feed of digital creative agency Big Spaceship is very matter-of-fact but, at the same time, it's an absolutely brilliant resource for all things design. Whether it be web design, user experience, strategy or just pure inspiration – there's a tweet here for everyone. If you don't already, you should follow them immediately.

20. Studio Output

For a regular dose of creative content, check out the Twitter feed from the guys at Studio Output. The personal, friendly tweets share interesting finds, images, informative posts as well as just saying hello. We really like the way the guys sign off some of their individual tweets too, a lovely personal touch.

21. Made by Many

The Made by Many team are all over their Twitter account, constantly updating it and pointing the world in the direction of cool, design related content. We're loving that most of the tweets have a short opinion on the stories they link to also. A friendly, honest and infomative feed.

22. Landor Associates

Leading brand consulting firm Landor Associates has a very active Twitter feed, featuring hints and links to lots of helpful and informative design-based information. If you're interested in branding in particular, then this is one account you should definitely follow.

23. SapientRazorfish


Stay informed with Sapient Razorfish

If you like interactivity then give design agency SapientRazorfish a follow. Not only do they tweet regularly, they also regularly support other creatives and reply to users messages.

24. Digitas

If you like all things digital then follow top global integrated brand agency Digitas. With at least three tweets surrounding digital design daily, you're sure to find something of interest here.

25. Ogilvy & Mather

The Twitter account of advertising and marketing agency Ogilvy & Mather is great for any creative. Tips, photos, insights and helpful retweets are posted regularly so if you're looking for some inspiration then this is one for you.

26. David & Goliath

The guys at advertising agency David & Goliath take both creativity and fun seriously, and you get lot of both through their Twitter feed. With regular updates, they're short on words and big on pictures. Oh, and they have a thing for hamsters...

27. Ideo


IDEO likes to share

Global design consultancy IDEO clearly likes to share. With an active and regularly updated feed, IDEO tweets about everything design-related, and for an added bonus retweets inspiring content from other designers and creatives. With short and to-the-point tweets, IDEO lets its work do the talking.

28. Fantasy Interactive

The tweets by global digital agency Fantasy Interactive are short but sweet. The company regularly updates its feed with news of its latests works, which is all worth taking a look at and engages with its followers daily. Fi also shares cool content found and created by other creatives in the community.

29. AKQA

The Twitter bio for digital service company AKQA says, "where the work does the tweeting". And that it does. The feed is a mixture of informative links to creative content and personal, friendly messages to the online world. A great one to follow for inspiration, and finding other talented designers and creatives.

30. Form

Award-winning London design studio Form is an avid Twitter user, and with over 20 years' experience in the industry, its feed is definitely worth a follow. Tweets focus on design and related events in the industry, posting links to relevant articles and images. The team are very friendly and engaging, and clearly don't take themselves too seriously – just what you need when limited to 140 characters.

31. B-Reel


B-Reel's work is incredibly inspiring

If you want news from the world of digital design then you should definitely follow the Twitter account of digital production company B-Reel. This feed is rammed full of posts pointing you in the direction of crazy, cool stuff. The designers behind this account seem to really enjoy themselves, using the minimal character count in a very honest and humorous way.

32. Leo Burnett

American advertising company Leo Burnett specialises in advertising, digital, social media and much more. And it shares all the work it creates through this busy, friendly Twitter feed. So, if you're looking for daily inspiration, you should give these guys a follow.

33. BBH London

One of the world's most famous creative advertising agencies, Bartle Bogle Hegarty's Twitter feed is certainly worth a follow. The team use the company account regularly, posting details of new work and job opportunities. It's a very friendly feed, full of useful information.

34. ustwo

The team at digital product and design studio ustwo are big Twitter fans. With multiple tweets a day, these guys post details of new work, support other designers with retweets and regularly engage in conversation with their followers.

35. I Love Dust

Multi-disciplinary design boutique I Love Dust is a relative newbie to the world of Twitter. However, since registering, the team are all over the social networking site, tweeting daily with details of new work and job opportunities in a relaxed, tongue-in-cheek style.

36. Plank

Based in Montréal, Plank specialises in developing high quality websites, mobile apps and social media campaigns. While some agencies treat Twitter as an alternative RSS feed, just pushing out their own messages, Plank takes the trouble to share useful articles the team have read and retweet the day's best tweets from the community. Good on them for that.

37. Dare

A "creative agency for a digital world", Dare has offices in London, Bristol, Vancouver and Toronto. Its Twitter feed is a lively mix of industry news, insider insights and random musings.

38. Wolff Olins

Not only is Wolff Olins a massive brand agency with branches in New York, San Francisco, London and Dubai, it also has a keen interest in the industry as a whole. The agency's Twitter feed is rammed with links to fascinating articles on topics like "Why tech needs to bring us back to the real world" and "Using the connectivity of the web to rethink education".

39. Sagmeister & Walsh

New York outfit Sagmeister & Walsh never tire of creating wonderful, inspiring designs, and the studio's Twitter feed is the perfect place to keep up-to-date with the cool things they've been up to lately.

40. North Kingdom

A Swedish digital agency of note, North Kingdom's Twitter feed is a must-follow, bringing you up-to-date news of its own design projects, new developments in the industry, and more.

41. R/GA

R/GA is a full-service, international digital agency with offices everywhere. But its Twitter account is far more than just a corporate news feed: fun and often frivolous, it's filled with interesting tidbits from the world of design and beyond.

42. Hvass&Hannibal

Danish duo Hvass&Hannibal's Twitter account is very on-message, comprising mostly of links to articles where they've been mentioned and images of their latest work. On that note, their latest work's always worth a look.

43. Marshmallow Laser Feast

To be honest, there's a little too much U2 in ace video installation firm Marshmallow Laser Feast's recent Twitterings for our liking. On the other hand, there's plenty of excellent video stuff. Swings and roundabouts.

44. Freytag Anderson

There's a great mix of content in Freytag Anderson's stream; just the right blend of recent work, office craziness and weird stuff from the internets. What better excuse to link to the image set above, which we love but couldn't justify doing a proper story about?

45. Vallée Duhamel


Follow Vallée Duhamel for instant inspiration

Feel slightly cosmopolitan by hooking up with Montreal-based Vallée Duhamel's stream: sometimes it's in English and sometimes it's in French. Best of all, it often features great work by the Canadian duo.

46. Lundgren+Lindqvist

If you like lamps, you're going to love Lundgren+Lindqvist's Twitter stream. It's not like all the agency's posts are about lamps or anything like that – that'd be just weird – but there's definitely a higher proportion of lamp-related tweets than you might expect. Luckily we love lamps, and there are plenty of other attractive things in the Instagram-heavy feed as well, so it's all good. Lamps!

47. SomeOne

Officially the UK's number one design agency for 2016, SomeOne is certainly an important account to follow. The team work on big projects like rebranding the electronics chain Maplin across their 200-plus UK stores, and have a highly enthusiastic and positive Twitter feed.

48. Horse


Horse is a must-follow on Twitter

With a new website waiting in the wings, Twitter and Instagram are currently the only ways to keep up-to-date with Horse – and we strongly recommend that you do. Horse is an independent design studio with only four full-time employees, yet the team picked up design agency of the year at the FAB awards last year. 

49. jones knowles richie

jones knowles richie is an independent design agency that's worked with some pretty huge brands, including PG Tips, Dominoes and Budweiser. The team's Twitter feed includes news and features from the world of design, and they do a lot of fundraising for different charities too.

 Are you looking for typography related tips? If so, check out our article Typography Twitter accounts you must follow.  

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