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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Logo design is the bread and butter of the design industry, and the best logos of all time have been hotly debated for years. But what defines a truly iconic logo, and has that changed over time?

Of course, modern branding goes far beyond the design of a quality marque – and there are many different elements at play, from colour and use of typography to style of art direction and tone of voice.

There are some brands so strong they don't need a logo, as their other elements are so distinctive and well-established – but of course, they do still have one.

Many of the world's best logos have a particular place in our hearts, and plenty of uproar has been caused over the years about logos that should never have been changed (and in some case, are swiftly changed back again).

As shown by the winners of Computer Arts' Brand Impact Awards in recent years, some market sectors are traditionally stronger, or more risk-taking, than others. It's easier to create an edgy cultural or artisan brand than to do the same in financial services or FMCG, for instance.

Read on for our essential guide to the best logos of all time, according to market sector. We will keep adding to this post with up-to-date examples.

01. Best logos for iconic brands

02. Best entertainment logos

03. Best sports brand logos

04. Best design industry logos

05. Best technology brand logos

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