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Image: Insydium

The first ever Vertex conference took place in March, and it was a runaway success. Run by the makers of our sister magazines 3D World and 3D Artist, the event brought together experts of all kinds from the CG industry to offer insights and advice to help hone your 3D skills. Included in the lineup were talks from event partners Notch, Maxon and Insydium

Matt Swoboda, real-time graphics pioneer and founder of Notch, explored the history of real-time graphics and why now is the right time to dive in; Jonas Pilz from MAXON explained how to create eye-catching motion graphics setups inside Cinema 4D; and Bob Walmsley, a technical trainer at INSYDIUM LTD, demonstrated the latest X-Particles features and hyper-realistic rendering in Cycles 4D. Scroll down to watch videos of their talks. 

01. Adventures in real-time

Matt Swoboda is a pioneer of real-time graphics at companies such as Sony. His software, Notch, has been used to create visual experiences for some of the world’s most memorable events, including Beyoncé and U2 world tours.

In this talk, Swoboda explains why now is a really exciting time for motion graphics artists. Designing in real time, without a having to pause to wait for your work to render, brings you closer than ever before to the thing you’re creating. Watch now to discover how Notch can help you rediscover the joy of problem solving, experimenting and improvising on the fly.

02. Cinema 4D MoGraph

In this presentation, Jonas Pilz introduces the powerful MoGraph tools and explains how they can be used to quickly create eye-catching motion graphics in Cinema 4D. You’ll learn how easy it is to set up any kind of graphic 3D animation, from abstract animations to moving fonts and breaking objects. 

Pilz will also show you how to use MoGraph setups for VFX and visualisation purposes. In short, you might fall in love with Cinema 4D while watching this talk.

03. X-Particles and Cycles 4D

In this talk, Bob Walmsley demonstrates the latest versions of INSYDIUM LTD’s Cinema 4D plugins X-Particles and Cycles 4D. Using the major new features xpClothFX, xpExplosiaFX and xpFluidFX, Walmsley explains how designers can can switch effortlessly between motion graphics and VFX, within a unified system built on the intuitive particle software.

Discover how X-Particles and Cycles 4D integrates seamlessly into the Cinema 4D workflow, enabling artists to immerse themselves in design, rather than getting bogged down in the technical process.

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