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Whether you're a freelancer working from home or a small studio owner, something everyone has in common is money. You do the work, you get paid, right? Sounds simple. However, making sure you get paid correctly and on time requires a lot of planning and patience, which many freelancers will attest to. 

There are many things you need to consider when calculating how to price your design services, so where do you start? Earlier today Mitch Goldstein, a professor at Rochester Institute of Technology’s College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, started a thread on Twitter asking creatives to share their valuable insights on money. He also pointed out that the subject was not one covered much in design schools, and so called on 'Twitters' to help. 

And the design world answered his call in droves. Goldstein's conversation now has creatives all over the globe sharing their experiences and offering advice and tips on everything from how best to price your services to things they wish they'd done from the start and what to avoid when it comes to money. 

Below are just some of the tweets that have come flooding in, and these handy tips featured represent just a snippet of the brilliant money advice up for grabs over on this Twitter feed. 

Do you have a money-related question? Or have you got any finance tips for freelancers? Why not join in the conversation and help out your fellow creative folk. 

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