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6 amazing 'About' pages to inspire you

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There's some brilliantly designed 404 error pages out there but often the 'About' page can lack a little love. As one of the most important pages of an agency's website or online design portfolio, it has to look the business. Here, we pick some of the best.

01. Anton & Irene


Anton & Irene is a design agency based in Manhattan. Its whole portfolio site is led by quirky photography of the agency's founders Irene Pereyra and Anton Repponen, and the About page is brought to life with some impressive snowy parallax effects. The duo have also included personal details – their favourite pieces of design work and their dream projects – to add an insight into their personalities.

02. ToyFight


Some assembly required

Manchester agency ToyFight has an amazing-looking site packed with parallax scrolling and animation, on which its two founders, Leigh Whipday and Jonny Lander, are recreated as anatomically-correct action figures. And for their about page you get to see them in their disassembled state, along with their bios and some cool accessories; it's the perfect mix of fun and informative.

03. Couro Azul


Couro Azul's about page is a great-looking guide to its history

You're unlikely to ever need the services of Couro Azul – it specialises in the production of leather furnishing for cars and trains, so while you may have encountered its products you probably won't be buying them. However you should definitely take a look at its about page, which mixes cutting edge techniques with vintage documents, varied layouts and subtle animation to give a stunning overview of the company's history.

04. Pierre Caron


Pierre Caron has a very personal About page

French artist and wood sculptor Pierre Caron shares his story, along with beautiful quotes and photos of his labours of love.

05. Blake Saurez


Blake Saurez's About page is whimsical but informative

Charleston-based designer Blake Saurez gives readers a glimpse of his goofy personality through his photo, along with long and shortform versions of his bio.

06. Cornett


What would you showcase as the most important 'things' in your life?

Kentucky based agency Cornett decided to add a little more personality where it matters. Here, their employees showcase what matters to them most. "We set aside a day to take some photographs and asked all of our employees to bring in their 10 essentials – 10 (or so) items they can't live without," they explain. It was like an agency-wide 'show and tell' day.

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