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Wildcards in Exchange 2007 message tracking?

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" Is it not possible to use wildcards in the Exchange 2007 Message Tracking Assistant? My boss asked me to look for all messages from a particular vendor, and so I put her email address in Recipients, then put *@godaddy.com in the Sender field, and clicked Next. Is this not possible? It seems like a functionality you'd expect to be there - am I just formatting something wrong? "



Nope, both the sender and recipient fields can only be complete smtp addresses, it is not possible to search using wildcards.

If you want to do that you will need to search the log files manually using something like notepad++ (which can search multiple files at once which should help!).




From the Exchange Management Shell, run the following command:

Get-MessageTrackingLog -EventId "RECEIVE" -Start "5/1/2015 12:00:00 AM" -End "5/31/2015 11:59:59 PM" -ResultSize unlimited | where {$_.Sender -like "*@godaddy.com"}

This will search everyone's mailbox on your Exchange server for all emails from anyone at GoDaddy.com between May 1, 2015 and May 31, 2015 and display them.  You can add specific recipients to your command by specifying -Recipients:username@domain.com anywhere before the pipe ("|").



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