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More and more frequently, designers and developers are acknowledging the importance of motion design in the context of user experience. Animation on the web is no longer a way to delight and wow the user but a functional tool that makes experiences easy, fun and memorable. 

Animation in the context of user interfaces is still a very new field. There aren’t many resources out there that teach best practice or show common patterns of UI animation that we can follow. Most of the time, it’s about experimentation, user testing and perhaps a bit of trial and error. 

So in this tutorial, we will create something that doesn’t confuse, follows common patterns and is stylish. This will be the team profile section that you often see on company websites. The idea is to show a little more information on the team/staff member when each one is hovered over. Throughout the tutorial we will be using CodePen, but of course you can use your own favourite editor and development environment instead.

01. Get set up

Begin by opening up CodePen and creating a new pen. We’re going to be using Bootstrap 4 and Sass (.scss), so make sure that within the settings you include the Bootstrap CSS and JS as your resource links and also set the CSS to SCSS. Another resource link you will need to add is Font Awesome, which we will use for our social icons. 

02. Create containers, rows and columns

Containers are what Bootstrap uses as its basic 
layout element and they are required when you’re using the default grid system. Within containers, you need to add in a row. Rows are wrappers for columns and you can specify the number of columns that you want out of a possible 12 and what the breakpoint will be. In our case, we want an element that has a medium-sized breakpoint and fills three columns in width.

03. Set profile image and colour

The first profile UI element we will start with will be for a female team member and she will be part of the blue team. The colour will be specified using a class called blue and the actual colour will eventually be defined using Sass variables, which we will do in a later step. Then we will need to add in a photo and give it a class called photo. 

04. Add profile name and title

The beginning of creating a team member entry showing that a team member photo, job description and social media information.

One final piece of HTML will add a name, title and social icons

The last bit of HTML to be added will be for the name, title and social icons, which will be added underneath the last div tag we just added in the last step. For the social icons, we will be using Font Awesome and these will be placed within an unordered list.

05. Set Sass variables

If you are following along using CodePen, then you will already have Sass installed and ready to go. You just need to click on the pen settings icon/button and choose SCSS as your CSS preprocessor. Then we can go ahead and add in some variables that will store all of our colours. We’ve used rgba as the colour values to allow us more meaningful control of all the colours’ opacity.

06. Upload a background image

To make things look more appealing, we will place a nice background image on the body. Here we can use our first set of variables and give the background image a pleasing gradient overlay that goes from light green to blue. Then to make our background image fully responsive, we will set the view height to 100vh.

07. Pick a profile background and image

Each team profile will be given the same styles and the class team will be used for this. The background will be white, all content centred and we need to make sure the position is set to relative. Then we can include the CSS for the profile image. For best results, make sure the original image you use has dimensions no bigger than 200px square. However, we will change the height and width of these within the photo CSS rule.

08. Add the animations

An image show that the rollover animation bringing down a coloured circle from the top of the frame.

We can control how much of the blue circle can be seen by setting a bottom percentage for its position

The first piece of animation we will add will be at the top of our profile element. The idea is that when we hover over the whole element, a blue circular shape will animate down. We can control how much of the blue we can see by specifying the position of this to have a bottom percentage. So play around with this percentage and you’ll get a better idea of how this works. You never know: you might even discover a better effect!

09. Animate the team photo

The team photo is our focal point in this UI and is probably the most obvious element that you would expect to animate in some shape or form. The CSS we will add in this step will first turn the photo into a smaller circle, then when hovered over there will be a light blue border added to it and the photo will scale down together with the border. With the transitions added, we get a nice fluid animation. 

10. Tweak the profile name and position

An image showing the half completed rollover animation, showing the team member photo shrinking and generating a thick border.

When hovered over, a light blue border will be added to the photo

The profile name and position need a little bit of tidying up. These won’t be animated but that shouldn’t stop you from adding your own animation to these if you’d like. Perhaps scale them up slightly on hover, as you’ll have enough space due to the resizing of the photo.

11. Add social icons

The social icons will first be positioned off the bottom of the page by -100px. Then when we hover over it, the bottom position will be set to zero and with a transition added, this will give us a nice smooth animation as it moves back up into view. The icons will be given their own hover state, setting their background to white and the icon to blue. 

12. Make the green team member

To mix things up a bit, we can begin to add more members to our team. The colour we’ll use for this next one will be green. But first go back into the HTML section/file and all we need to do is copy the col-md-3 class – not the row – down to the last div tag under the social icons and paste it in.

Once you have changed the blue class to green, we can finally add in all the CSS that will give us the same animation.

And the beauty of this approach is that you can repeat as required for many different colour classes, enabling you to subtly theme your UI animations as is required.

This article was originally published in issue 307 of net, the world's best-selling magazine for web designers and developers. Buy issue 307 or subscribe to net.

Want to learn more about the ins and outs of UI animation?

Steven Roberts is giving his talk CSS Animation: Beyond Transitions at Generate London from 19-21 September 2018.

Steven Roberts is giving his talk CSS Animation: Beyond Transitions at Generate London 

If you're interested in learning more about how you can make your sites pop and sparkle using sleek UI animation, make sure you've picked up your ticket for Generate London

A front-end designer and developer currently working as creative developer for Asemblr.com, Steven Roberts will be delivering his talk – CSS Animation: Beyond Transitions – in which he will show you the best tools for the job and recreate some of the best animations the web has to offer, while discovering the possibilities and limitations of animating with just CSS. 

Generate London takes place from 19-21 September 2018. Get your ticket now.

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