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Become a Cinema 4D pro with issue 237 of 3D World

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This issue, along with our usual reviews, inspiration and regular Q and A sections, we celebrate Maxon's Cinema 4D, the 3D application that caters to an active and large community of passionate users, with 35 pages of Cinema 4D tutorials and insight. 

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Here's more detail on what you can expect in this issue...

Feature: Ziva

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Physically based rigging with Ziva

In this feature we take a good look at how developments are being made in character rigging, by investigating the physics-based Ziva system.

Feature: Build a studio

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Set up an animation studio with this guide

If you've ever considered setting up your own studio, then look no further. We talk to a group of people who have done just that, to discover why they did it, and more importantly, how.

Training: Cinema 4D tips

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Tips to help you master Cinema 4D

We gathered some of the best Cinema 4D artists in the world and asked them for their top tips for mastering this all encompassing software.

Training: Motion Graphics

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Create stunning motion graphics

In this tutorial, C4D expert EJ Hassenfratz, demonstrates how to use the voronoi fracture object to break up a mesh in unusual but beautiful ways.

Training: C4D VR

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Learn how to use Cinema 4D for your VR projects

VR artist and master, Martin Nebelong, shows you how to incorporate Cinema 4D into your VR pipeline in this tutorial, where he creates yet another beautiful interactive scene.

Training: C4D sculpting

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Sculpt a stylised horse in Cinema 4D

Sculpting master Glen Southern shows you how Cinema 4D is capable of some fantastic sculpting results, using its great subdivision system to refine the details.

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