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Why finding a dream client is so hard

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Ideal client venn diagram

This candid diagram speaks the truth

The life of a jobbing creative can be filled with problems – from how to network to designing the perfect creative resume – and while there are plenty of ways to really annoy a graphic designer, a huge amount of frustration often comes from trying to find the right clients.

This humorous Venn diagram shows the struggle every creative faces at one time or another. Do you want to sacrifice creative freedom for stability? Would you choose stress-free deadlines over money? Whichever choice you go for, you'll be losing out somewhere else.

If this graphic is hitting too close to the bone, don't worry. Choosing the best priority is a dilemma faced by designers everywhere, at every point in their careers. So why do we keep doing it? So that one day, we'll hit that sweet balance in the middle.

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