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Get your portfolio critiqued by world-class designers

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Is your design portfolio the best it can be? Does it show off your full potential, communicate what makes you unique and ultimately win you as much work as it could? Now's your chance to find out.

Creative Bloq has teamed up with the good folk at moo.com to give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You could get your online portfolio critiqued by some of the best in the business, and showcased to potential clients, collaborators and creative peers all around the world in the process.

Our expert panel is ready and waiting to give your work – and your presentation of it – a creative review session. This will take the form of a filmed round-table discussion, so you'll need the guts to put your work in the spotlight.

Who's on the panel?

What are we looking for?

The panel has expertise in a broad spectrum of creative sectors, so we want to see an equally broad range of portfolios. Whether you work in graphic design, illustration, digital, motion graphics or a combination of all of the above and more, we want to see how you present your work.

This opportunity is open to anyone working in the creative industries, and looking for some focused, constructive advice to help take them to the next level. Students or recent graduates are welcome to apply, but bear in mind we need a significant volume of work for the panel to critique.

Submit your portfolio now!

So how do you get involved? Simple: use the form below to submit a link to your online portfolio for us to review, before the deadline of midnight (BST) on Sunday 19 August 2018. A selection of the most interesting will be chosen by panel chair Nick Carson and the Creative Bloq team to be put in front of the review panel on 4th September 2018.

Remember, we're looking for portfolios that demonstrate a broad range of quality work, and are creative in terms of their presentation of that work. As well as your design prowess, we will also be looking at the structure and hierarchy of your website, how projects are showcased, and how you present yourself and your creative process. In other words, the whole package! Good luck...

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