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Experience a whole new level of creativity with LG

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To the untrained eye, a small piece of design or artwork can look like it was created in just minutes. But designers and artists will recognise - and empathise with - the hours behind even the seemingly smallest of drawings. 

Few will ever see or understand the process, where all the work and magic happens. But LG gets it. Knowing the endless brain-strain and ideating that can go into a project is driving force behind LG’s UltraWide Festival; an initiative championing the efforts and skills of creatives all over the globe. 

Star participants


This year’s LG UltraWide Festival theme is ‘My UltraWide Time’, which focuses on the long hours and tireless effort of passionate creators. One of the highlight participants of this year’s LG UltraWide Festival is Alan Walker, a multiple-platinum DJ and producer, who knows what it’s like to spend countless hours at work, wondering if his efforts would ever be rewarded. He still spends long nights composing on his UltraWide monitor. “Making music takes a lot of time and effort - it’s not something that just happens with a snap,” Walker comments. “It takes time, but the journey is lots of fun.” 


Also in attendance is YouTube sensation Daniel Hashimoto, creator of action web series Action Movie Kid. The popular series features Hashimoto’s son, James, as the main character, surrounded by eye-popping special effects. For this dad and son, ‘quality time’ is spent in front of a camera and computer. Hashimoto says: “My UltraWide Time is for imagination. Every afternoon we come up with something amazing.”

Caring for creatives

2018 marks the fourth year of LG giving creatives a boost with its UltraWide Festival, but the company’s support for creatives extends far beyond this one event. LG equips world-class DJs with UltraWide monitors through the UltraWide Studio program. LG’s UltraWide Academy Sponsorship also nurtures the next generation of international artists, with the company decking out top design, art, and animation schools with state-of-the-art equipment and space for all things creative. 


Academy Sponsorship first sponsored a brand-new computer lab at Parsons School of Design in 2016, with the Royal College of Art receiving the LG treatment in 2017, and recently ranked the No.1 International Animation School Vancouver Film School set to get the LG treatment this year. 

Vancouver Film School’s Head of Animation Colin Giles says: “The possibilities with digital art are endless. The students will benefit from this strong partnership with LG and the LG UltraWide Monitor Academy Lab by having access to a literal canvas that removes any possible barrier to their imagination. With a wide, seamless screen that allows for a more immersive use of the software at hand and a colour range that meets their own imagination their creations will jump into reality. ‘The more you see, the better you create’ has never been truer than at VFS.”  

To see photos of the VFS Academy Lab, head over to @LG_UltraWide Instagram account. 


It's YOUR UltraWide time

So if you want to experience a whole new level of creativity and be in with the chance of winning an incredible LG Ultrawide monitor, get involved with LG’s Ultrawide festival. It’s simple to enter. Take a short quiz, describe a moment, or share a story about your creative process. Get all the rules and details at LG UltraWide Festival event page, or simply do a search for ‘LG UltraWide’. What will you create with your UltraWide time? 

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