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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by NickTheGreek

  1. Version 4.1.18 of the IPS Community Suite is now available. In addition to bug fixes and performance improvements, this release also includes: Pinterest share link has been added Converters are now included as a Suite-level application you can download with your package in the Client Area Running a conversion will now skip steps that do not have anything to convert Two Factor Authentication Images embedded in the editor can now have an alternative title set for accessibility Users signing in through social services, such as Facebook, will no longer be required to validate their email address When a location is specified for a Calendar Event, the address will be shown underneath the map. The map itself should also be more accurate now. The Approval Queue page now has a "Hide" button to hide content (rather than only being able to approve / delete) Disabling Profile Photo uploads will now also disable importing from a URL An issue has been fixed where adding tags using other languages may not work properly Cropping Animated GIF's for photos is now supported when ImageMagick is in use Files purchased in Downloads will now have a link back to the file from their purchase page in the Manage Purchases section The Admin CP will now indicate whether or not a member is connected to a social network The Admin CP will now display more information for a user who has been banned imgur embedded is now supported Errors caused by third party applications / plugins will now be clearer Option to report fatal errors automatically to IPS so we can fix common issues
  2. πρέπει να το δοκιμάσω το παρακάτω, δείχνει καλύτερο ίσως cat /dev/null > /root/mailaccounts.txt CP_ACCOUNTS=`ls -1A /var/cpanel/users/` for user in `echo -n $CP_ACCOUNTS` do /root/mailaccounts.txt domain=`grep -i ^dns /var/cpanel/users/$user |cut -d= -f2` for dom in `echo -n "$domain"` do PASSWD_FILE="/home/$user/etc/$dom/passwd" if [ -f $PASSWD_FILE ] && [ -s $PASSWD_FILE ] then for mail in `cat $PASSWD_FILE| cut -d":" -f1` do echo "$mail@$dom" >> mailaccounts.txt done fi done done https://www.nixpal.com/cpanel-count-and-list-all-mailboxes/
  3. Hello panosg,

    Welcome to designhost.gr.

    Feel free to browse our community accessing all sorts of information and getting to know our members.

    Do not hesitate to ask anything in our forums.


  4. Καλώς ήρθατε στο designhost.gr.

    Νιώστε ελεύθερα και πλοηγηθείτε στην κοινότητα μας όπου μπορείτε να βρείτε διάφορες πληροφορίες και να γνωριστείτε με τα υπόλοιπα μέλη.

    Μην διστάσετε να μας ρωτήσετε για οποιαδήποτε απορία σας ή διευκρίνηση.

  5. Βλεπω το RV042 εχει web interface αλλα γενικα με Cisco Πολλες φορες πρεπει να κατεβεις στο IOS για να κανεις δουλεια
  6. Hello Fotis P,

    Welcome to designhost.gr.

    Feel free to browse our community accessing all sorts of information and getting to know our members.

    Do not hesitate to ask anything in our forums.


  7. Εξαρτάται κυρίως από το σύνολο τον aggregated γραμμών σε bandwidth Δηλαδη για 2 VDSL ακόμα και 50Mbps γιατι να ειναι Bottlenech το 100Mbit LAN ? εκτός και κατάλαβα κάτι λάθος
  8. Καλώς ήρθατε στο designhost.gr.

    Νιώστε ελεύθερα και πλοηγηθείτε στην κοινότητα μας όπου μπορείτε να βρείτε διάφορες πληροφορίες και να γνωριστείτε με τα υπόλοιπα μέλη.

    Μην διστάσετε να μας ρωτήσετε για οποιαδήποτε απορία σας ή διευκρίνηση.

  9. Hello marvspace,

    Welcome to designhost.gr.

    Feel free to browse our community accessing all sorts of information and getting to know our members.

    Do not hesitate to ask anything in our forums.


  10. Καλώς ήρθατε στο designhost.gr.

    Νιώστε ελεύθερα και πλοηγηθείτε στην κοινότητα μας όπου μπορείτε να βρείτε διάφορες πληροφορίες και να γνωριστείτε με τα υπόλοιπα μέλη.

    Μην διστάσετε να μας ρωτήσετε για οποιαδήποτε απορία σας ή διευκρίνηση.

  11. πρέπει να ειναι το πιο ξενέρωτο logo alteration όλων των εποχών ....
  12. Class is in Session: The New cPanel University Thousands of corporations and companies, and even more individuals, use the suite of tools loaded inside of cPanel & WHM to power their business and manage their online presence. From mail and spam filtering, to database storage and security, to simply just launching a website, cPanel and WHM offers a wealth of technical offerings. That being said, we’ve heard from our customers for years that they’d like a resource; a place where they can get comprehensive training on how to use cPanel and/ or WebHost Manager. After 14 months of testing, item analysis, and curriculum building, we’re happy to announce that the resource you’ve been asking for now exists. Welcome to cPanel University. Modeled after traditional online training programs, cPanel University marries reading material, benchmark quizzing, and even a final cumulative exam to ensure that students are not only learning the ins and outs of the tool but also that their completion of the program comes with the tangible pedigree of becoming a certified cPanel & WHM pro. (You can even add it to your LinkedIn profile!) The wizards on our technical training team have put countless hours into this program, carefully assessing the most popular tools and features, the most common types of issues, and ultimately, the most sought after technical knowledge that our customers and clients needed at their fingertips. The result is a program that allows anyone with access to the internet the chance to dive into four different course tracks that build into becoming a licensed cPanel professional. With databases (MySQL), DNS, Mail, and the web comprising our core training module, the team has packaged the perfect benchmarks for new enrollees and are already at work on additional enrichment modules for students who have already graduated. If you don’t currently have a cPanel & WHM certification, head over to cPanel University and start working on getting yours today. And don’t worry, for those of you who have already been certified, your certificate is still valid through its indicated expiration date. Let us know what you think about the brand new cPanel University or email professor@cpanel.net if you have ideas on future courses you’d like to see cPanel University offering. Be sure to stay tuned on future announcements as we continue to add courses, training modules, and learning opportunities to this exciting new cPanel offering. Course Goals Databases in WHM • Demonstrate competency utilizing the database management screens in WHM • Showcase ways to backup and restore databases • Define the major terms in relational database structure • Explain common causes of database corruption and ways to handle it DNS in WHM • Demonstrate knowledge of the benefits and limitations of MyDNS and BIND • Showcase knowledge on managing DNS from WHM • Illustrate knowledge of cPanel DNS clustering Mail in WHM • Demonstrate ways to set up mail system preferences • Explain how to use the Exim configuration manager • Identify and explain solutions for common delivery issues EasyApache 4 in WHM (Web) • Explain EasyApache 4 and how to use it • Demonstrate competency on configuring PHP https://university.cpanel.net/
  13. εχουν καιρο να ανανεωθούν βλέπω αλλά τα ζητάει κόσμος: https://features.cpanel.net/topic/bring-back-cpanel-posters Bring back CPanel Posters Tudor Holton shared this idea 1 year ago Open Discussion I just found out about cPanel posters that were made available in 2009 that list all the convenient log locations. Here's the previous blog announcement for the posters: http://news.cpanel.com/cpanels_2009_log_location_poster_available_now/ However, all the links I came across go to non-existent cPanel pages. :-( Please bring back these posters as they sound awesome! It would be nice to extend them to include handy commands for things like: checking iptables blocks, removing a firewall block for a particular IP, restarting services synchronising DNS and adding/removing servers, etc. installing/disabling/removing plugins etc. etc. etc.
  14. I sent away for these free posters from cPanel a few months ago and they arrived in the mail this week. At first I had completely forgotten about requesting the cPanel posters. But when I got the package open I was pleasantly reminded about these reference posters. I took a picture to show how big they are and used a banana for scale, a meme that seemed to confuse the cPanel twitter account >.< μου έχουν ξεμείνει κάμποσα τέτοια, αν κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται, PM please
  15. https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ALD/Manage+AutoSSL
  16. Free SSL certificates Since the latest release of cPanel and WHM 58.0.x, a new AutoSSl feature is available. AutoSSL auto provisions domain validated Comodo SSL certificates. If your website (whether it is a domain, sub-domain, add-on domain or alias) never had a SSL certificate or it has expired, a new (and most importantly FREE) SSL certificate will be generated and installed. This makes any of your websites hosted in any of our cPanel hosting plans having free SSL certificate for life (with automated renewals).
  17. We’re happy to announce the availability of our newest free ebook, Introducing Windows Server 2016 (ISBN 9780735697744), by John McCabe and the Windows Server team. Enjoy! Windows Server has powered a generation of organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises. No matter what your area of expertise, this book will introduce you to the latest developments in Windows Server 2016. Each chapter has been written by either field experts or members of the product group, giving you the latest information on every improvement or new feature that is included in this version of Windows Server. Introduction Windows Server has powered a generation of organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises. No matter what your role in IT, you can be guaranteed you that have touched Windows Server at some point in your career or at very least you have seen it from afar! This book introduces you to Windows Server 2016, which is the next version of Windows Server. No matter what your area of expertise, this book will introduce you to the latest developments in Windows Server 2016. Each chapter has been written by either field experts or members of the product group, giving you the latest information on every improvement or new feature that is included in this version of Windows Server. This information will help you to prepare for Windows Server 2016 and give you the means to develop and design a path to introduce Windows Server 2016 into your environment and take full advantage of what is to come. This book is being written at a time when the product is still evolving and it should be noted that things might change or not appear in the final version of Windows Server 2016 when released. All guidance in the chapters is meant to be tried and evaluated in a test environment; you should not implement it in a production environment. This book assumes that you are familiar with key concepts surrounding Windows Server (i.e., Microsoft Hyper-V, Networking, and Storage) as well as cloud technologies such as Microsoft Azure. In this book, we cover a variety of concepts related to the technology and present scenarios with a customer focus, but it is not intended as a how-to or design manual. You can use other sources, including the online Microsoft resources, to stay up to date with the latest developments on the roles and features of Windows Server 2016. The online resources will also contain the latest how-to procedures and information about designing a Windows Server 2016 infrastructure for your business. About the author John McCabe works for Microsoft as a senior premier field engineer. In this role, he has worked with the largest customers around the world, supporting and implementing cutting-edge solutions on Microsoft Technologies. In this role, he is responsible for developing core services for the Enterprise Services Teams. John has been a contributing author to several books, including Mastering Windows Server 2012 R2 from Sybex, Mastering Lync 2013 from Sybex, and Introducing Microsoft System Center 2012 from Microsoft Press. John has spoken at many conferences around Europe, including TechEd and TechReady. Prior to joining Microsoft, John was an MVP in Unified Communications with 15 years of consulting experience across many different technologies such as networking, security, and architecture. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/microsoft_press/2016/09/26/free-ebook-introducing-windows-server-2016/
  18. Για να το διευρύνουμε, αν θέλουμε όλα τα current hosted accounts από SSH τότε: for i in `/bin/ls -A /var/cpanel/users` ; do /scripts/pkgacct $i ;done ενω αν έχουμε τα backups για να γίνουν μαζικά restore: for i in `/bin/ls -A /home/*.gz` ; do /scripts/restorepkg $i ;done
  19. Με CentOs 7 OpenVZ containers είχα κάποιες φορές θέμα λόγω του /etc/hostname (άλλαζε upon reboot και έχανα το FQDN) Εκεί μπορείς και να βάλεις στο crontab @reboot hostname {your FQDN}
  20. 1. Login on openvz node and use ps command to find the PID ssh root@openvz-node ps auxwwwf 2. After finding PID execute following commands PID=12345 for i in `vzlist -a | grep running | awk '{print $1}'`; do echo $i; ps $* -p $(grep -l "^envID:[[:space:]]*$i\$" /proc/[0-9]*/status | sed -e 's=/proc/\([0-9]*\)/.*=\1=') | grep $PID; done
  21. In case of the 2GB split disk format, your virtual disk consists of multiple data files (e.g. <vmname>-sNNN.vmdk) and one header/descriptor file (<vmname>.vmdk) which describes the virtual disk. In the vmware-vdiskmanager command, it's only the header/descriptor vmdk which you need to supply as the source virtual disk. Convert to a pre-allocated disk. vmware-vdiskmanager -r sourceDisk.vmdk -t 2 destinationDisk.vmdk The following line is simply changing a pre-allocated input disk into a growable target disk. vmware-vdiskmanager -r sourceDisk.vmdk -t 0 destinationDisk.vmdk
  22. Execute a command in all running OpenVZ Containers If you wish to execute a command in all running Containers, you can use the following script: for i in `cat /proc/vz/veinfo | awk '{print $1}'|egrep -v '^0$'`; \ do echo "Container $i"; vzctl exec $i <command>; done where <command> is the command to be executed in all the running Containers. For example: for i in `cat /proc/vz/veinfo | awk '{print $1}'|egrep -v '^0$'`; \ do echo "Container $i"; vzctl exec $i uptime; done Container 1 2:26pm up 6 days, 1:28, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Container 101 2:26pm up 6 days, 1:39, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Source: http://download.swsoft.com/virtuozzo/virtuozzo4.0/docs/en/lin/VzLinuxUG/260.htm
  23. Welcome to DesignHost These guidelines are to assist you as a member of DesignHost and we would be grateful if you would operate within them during your stay here. Be polite! We’re a friendly, welcoming community and want it to stay like that. Don’t be rude or abrasive. If you’re pleasant to others, they’ll be pleasant back. We all have disagreements now and again but we don’t insult people or get angry with them. Remember to be articulate and witty. We like that. Forget about being rude or mean, we don’t like that! Also, offensive, illegal or mature-themed material is not allowed. Have fun…. but not at the expense of others! We like to have fun; we enjoy a laugh and a joke as long as that’s all it is. We don’t like the ridiculing of fellow community members. If you keep clear of doing that, we’ll keep clear of doing that to you. Keep all your support topics in the correct support forum. If you are not sure where to post, please ask a staff member for assistance. SPAM! We don’t like it and we’re sure you don’t either. We’re proud of our site and want it to be the best. We don’t mind it if you’re from a competing site but we don’t like it if you spam your site here. So don’t advertise your site on ours and we won’t come and advertise our site on yours. We’re also not at all keen on you posting and asking for people to visit your site and become members. We wouldn’t do that to you so it’s only right you don’t do it to us. Our moderators are a fine bunch, but you might not always agree with them and they may not always agree with you. If you do happen to disagree with something one of them has done, or your topic or post has vanished or moved with no explanation, don’t get all angry about it and begin posting rude messages. Instead, contact one of the Admins or Management by PM or e-mail and explain your point of view. These things can generally be resolved pleasantly. We request that you wait twenty-four hours before "bumping" a topic. This mean making a new reply for the sole purpose of getting it to the top of the page. Like you, we enjoy signatures and avatars and don’t mind anyone having them, but try to keep them reasonable. Huge pictures (either in pixel or byte size) can get really annoying, especially to those on dial-up. We’ll ask you to change it if it’s too big. Sometimes, people might post an inappropriate topic or reply, or it may be in a place where a Moderator hasn’t noticed it. If you stumble across one of these, we’d be grateful if you would use the Report Post to Moderator feature. You don’t need to respond to the post saying it’s in the wrong place or not really acceptable. Just report it and we’ll deal with it. We’re a forgiving community. We realize that sometimes things can be said that aren’t meant or are taken the wrong way. We also realize that sometimes people’s emotions get the better of their judgement. We’re not quite so forgiving of people who just seem to want to cause trouble. We don’t like to use it, but we have a system to warn people if they’re doing things these guidelines have politely asked them not to do. One of the Moderators will normally contact you at first and ask you to remember these guidelines. If the guidelines continue to be ignored then a warning might be issued. And if you’re a serial spammer or community disrupter, a ban may well be in order so that those of us who like to hang out here can continue having an enjoyable time. Finally be friendly. If you’re friendly and polite we’ll welcome you and you’ll fit right in !