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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Rss Bot

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  1. The Secunia Country Reports for Q3 2013 have just aired and once again Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 4.x tops the list of “Most Exposed” software among users of the Secunia PSI. Microsoft XML Core Services has topped the list since December 2012. There are currently 2 vulnerabilities in Microsoft XML Core Services. The vulnerabilities affect a large percentage of computer users, as can be seen from the Secunia Country Reports, which describe the state of security on private computers. The reports have the Microsoft program topping the list in 12 different countries. The data from the US Country Report serves as an example of how widespread the program - and how large the number of users that have not yet patched it - is: In the US, 79% of PC users who use Secunia PSI had Microsoft XML Core Services installed in Q3 2013. 50 % of these users... View the full article