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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Giannis

  1. Seems CentOS 7.5 1804 Linux is out now. As a Kernel update is involved, after yum update do a server reboot. cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) https://wiki.centos.org/Manuals/ReleaseNotes/CentOS7.1804?action=show&redirect=Manuals%2FReleaseNotes%2FCentOS7
  2. MariaDB 10.1 is the previous stable series of MariaDB. It is an evolution of MariaDB 10.0 with several entirely new features not found anywhere else and with backported and reimplemented features from MySQL 5.6 and 5.7. MariaDB 10.1.33 is a Stable (GA) release. For an overview of MariaDB 10.1 see the What is MariaDB 10.1? page. Notable Changes PCRE updated to 8.42 The embedded server library now supports SSL when connecting to remote servers. ALTER TABLE fixes: MDEV-14693, MDEV-16080, MDEV-15937 encryption fixes: MDEV-15937, MDEV-16092, MDEV-15752, MDEV-15566 systemd and shutdown fixes: MDEV-14705 As per the MariaDB Deprecation Policy, this will be the last release of MariaDB 10.1 for Debian 7 Wheezy In this release experimental Ubuntu 18.04 "bionic" packages are present in the MariaDB 10.1 repository. However, because Ubuntu includes MariaDB 10.1 in its main repositories we recommend using the Ubuntu provided MariaDB 10.1 packages for general use. Security Fixes Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities: CVE-2018-2782 CVE-2018-2784 CVE-2018-2787 CVE-2018-2766 CVE-2018-2755 CVE-2018-2819 CVE-2018-2817 CVE-2018-2761 CVE-2018-2781 CVE-2018-2771 CVE-2018-2813 https://mariadb.org/mariadb-10-1-33-and-mariadb-galera-cluster-10-0-35-now-available/
  3. Version 7.2.5 26 Apr 2018 Changelog Version 7.1.17 26 Apr 2018 Changelog Version 7.0.30 26 Apr 2018 Changelog Version 5.6.36 26 Apr 2018 Changelog PHP Supported Versions
  4. Good news is Oracle has announced that MySQL 8.0 has gone GA Stable with 2x the performance of MySQL 5.7 MySQL adds NoSQL and many new enhancements to the world’s most popular open source database: NoSQL Document Store gives developers the flexibility of developing traditional SQL relational applications and NoSQL, schema-free document database applications. This eliminates the need for a separate NoSQL document database. SQL Window functions, Common Table Expressions, NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED, Descending Indexes, Grouping, Regular Expressions, Character Sets, Cost Model, and Histograms. JSON Extended syntax, new functions, improved sorting, and partial updates. With JSON table functions you can use the SQL machinery for JSON data. GIS Geography support. Spatial Reference Systems (SRS), as well as SRS aware spatial datatypes, spatial indexes, and spatial functions. Reliability DDL statements have become atomic and crash safe, meta-data is stored in a single, transactional data dictionary Observability Performance Schema, Information Schema, Invisible Indexes, Error Logging. Manageability Persistent Configuration Variables, Undo tablespace management, Restart command, and New DDL. High Availability InnoDB Cluster delivers an integrated, native, HA solution for your databases. Security OpenSSL improvements, new default authentication, SQL Roles, breaking up the super privilege, password strength, authorization. Performance Up to 2x faster than MySQL 5.7. Observability Information Schema (speed up) MySQL 8.0 reimplements Information Schema. In the new implementation the Information Schema tables are simple views on data dictionary tables stored in InnoDB. This is by far more efficient than the old implementation with up to 100 times speedup. Performance Schema (speed up) MySQL 8.0 speeds up performance schema queries by adding more than 100 indexes on performance schema tables. Security features OpenSSL by Default in Community Edition MySQL 8.0 is unifying on OpenSSL as the default TLS/SSL library for both MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Community Edition. SQL roles Performance MySQL 8.0 is up to 2x faster than MySQL 5.7. MySQL 8.0 comes with better performance for Read/Write workloads, IO bound workloads, and high contention “hot spot” workloads. MySQL 8.0 implements SQL Roles. A role is a named collection of privileges. The purpose is to simplify the user access right management. One can grant roles to users, grant privileges to roles, create roles, drop roles, and decide what roles are applicable during a session. Scaling Read/Write Workloads MySQL 8.0 scales well on RW and heavy write workloads. On intensive RW workloads we observe better performance already from 4 concurrent users and more than 2 times better performance on high loads comparing to MySQL 5.7. We can say that while 5.7 significantly improved scalability for Read Only workloads, 8.0 significantly improves scalability for Read/Write workloads. The effect is that MySQL improves hardware utilization (efficiency) for standard server side hardware (like systems with 2 CPU sockets). This improvement is due to re-designing how InnoDB writes to the REDO log. In contrast to the historical implementation where user threads were constantly fighting to log their data changes, in the new REDO log solution user threads are now lock-free, REDO writing and flushing is managed by dedicated background threads, and the whole REDO processing becomes event-driven. Better Performance upon High Contention Loads (“hot rows”) MySQL 8.0 significantly improves the performance for high contention workloads. A high contention workload occurs when multiple transactions are waiting for a lock on the same row in a table, causing queues of waiting transactions. Many real world workloads are not smooth over for example a day but might have bursts at certain hours. MySQL 8.0 deals much better with such bursts both in terms of transactions per second, mean latency, and 95th percentile latency. The benefit to the end user is better hardware utilization (efficiency) because the system needs less spare capacity and can thus run with a higher average load.
  5. Giannis


    Changes with nginx 1.14.0 17 Apr 2018 *) 1.14.x stable branch.
  6. Sucuri's yearly Hacked Web Site Report is out for 2017 Hacked Website Report 2017 Statistics | Sucuri Magento sites can be most out of date
  7. Αναφορά του συμβάντος από την ομάδα του VestaCP:
  8. Μακάρι να μην δημιουργήσει νέα θέματα. Το exploit φαίνεται να βρέθηκε στον παρακάτω κώδικα: όπου το διόρθωσαν εδώ: https://github.com/serghey-rodin/vesta/commit/3fdee2975db0c80419a0dfefff3c10a2c4de6410
  9. Vesta released a new version with the exploit fixed.
  10. This is just a heads up that alot of VestaCP users' servers have been reportedly hacked and compromised and sending out spam and DDOS attacking other sites from the compromised servers. Web hosts are suspending VestaCP servers. Full details and ongoing discussion at: https://forum.vestacp.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=16556 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/how-do-i-determine-the-impact-of-vestacp-vulnerability-from-april-8th-2018 https://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/141728/vestacp-possibly-hit-with-zeroday-exploit https://hostballs.com/t/potential-vestacp-zeroday-exploit/52 From VestaCP forums, seem a command IP related to the hacker is Looks like it might be a Linux/Xor.DDoS (also known as DDoS.XOR or Xorddos) malware. Very old 2015 blog article on this at: https://bartblaze.blogspot.com.au/2015/09/notes-on-linuxxorddos.html
  11. RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.5 is released Source code is uploaded to : https://git.centos.org Example RedHat Enterprise Linux 7.5 kernel: https://git.centos.org/summary/rpms!kernel.git Redhat Enterprise 7.5 Release notes Known issues
  12. Giannis


    Changes with nginx 1.13.12 10 Apr 2018 *) Bugfix: connections with gRPC backends might be closed unexpectedly when returning a large response.
  13. Giannis


    Changes with nginx 1.13.11 03 Apr 2018 *) Feature: the "proxy_protocol" parameter of the "listen" directive now supports the PROXY protocol version 2. *) Bugfix: nginx could not be built with OpenSSL 1.1.1 statically on Linux. *) Bugfix: in the "http_404", "http_500", etc. parameters of the "proxy_next_upstream" directive.
  14. Version 7.2.4 29 Mar 2018 Changelog Version 7.1.16 29 Mar 2018 Changelog Version 7.0.28 29 Mar 2018 Changelog Version 5.6.35 29 Mar 2018 Changelog PHP Supported Versions
  15. The MariaDB project is pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB 10.2.14 and MariaDB 10.1.32, both stable releases, as well as MariaDB Connector/J 2.2.3, the latest stable release in the MariaDB Connector/J 2.2 series, and MariaDB Connector/J 1.7.3, the latest stable release in the MariaDB Connector/J 1.7 series. https://mariadb.org/mariadb-10-2-14-mariadb-10-1-32-and-mariadb-connector-j-2-2-3-and-1-7-3-now-available/
  16. Giannis


    Changes with nginx 1.13.10 20 Mar 2018 *) Feature: the "set" parameter of the "include" SSI directive now allows writing arbitrary responses to a variable; the "subrequest_output_buffer_size" directive defines maximum response size. *) Feature: now nginx uses clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) if available, to avoid timeouts being incorrectly triggered on system time changes. *) Feature: the "escape=none" parameter of the "log_format" directive. Thanks to Johannes Baiter and Calin Don. *) Feature: the $ssl_preread_alpn_protocols variable in the ngx_stream_ssl_preread_module. *) Feature: the ngx_http_grpc_module. *) Bugfix: in memory allocation error handling in the "geo" directive. *) Bugfix: when using variables in the "auth_basic_user_file" directive a null character might appear in logs. Thanks to Vadim Filimonov.
  17. Released 03/05/2018 This is a security release and we recommend all clients upgrade as soon as possible. Key Changes As we prepare for our next large release, version 4.3, we do large security audits. We decided to apply those security enhancements to the 4.2 series so you can get them now while we begin public betas of 4.3. https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/428-r72/
  18. Version 7.2.3 01 Mar 2018 Changelog Version 7.1.15 01 Mar 2018 Changelog Version 7.0.28 01 Mar 2018 Changelog Version 5.6.34 01 Mar 2018 Changelog PHP Supported Versions
  19. OK @NickTheGreek thanks!
  20. Ναι υπάρχει διαφορά, μου βγάζει και στις 2 IP error https://prnt.sc/g12acz
  21. Έβγαλε error και στις 2 IP https://prnt.sc/g12acz Και τα DNS records, το μόνο που πρόσθεσα είναι 2 PTR των IPv4 & IPv6 https://prnt.sc/g12ayy
  22. Το μόνο που πρόσθεσα (από ότι κατάλαβα από το άρθρο της Google) είναι 2 PTR records (IPv4 & IPv6) στα DNS settings του domain στο Plesk. εδώ η IPv4/24 PTR example.com εδώ η IPv6/24 PTR example.com
  23. Σε Plesk control panel έχει ορισθεί ένα email "info@example.com" και έχει ορισθεί να γίνετε forward σε gmail, η αποστολή email μέσο του info@ γίνεται reject με το παρακάτω μήνυμα: This is the mail system at host server.expamle.com. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster. If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The mail system <my@gmail.com>: host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[2a00:1450:4013:c02::1a] said: 550-5.7.1 [IPv6 here] Our system has detected that this message 550-5.7.1 does not meet IPv6 sending guidelines regarding PTR records and 550-5.7.1 authentication. Please review 550-5.7.1 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=IPv6AuthError for more information 550 5.7.1 . 1si11207325edy.183 - gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA command) Greetings Έχω προσθέσει 2 PTR records για την IPv4 & IPv6 ως: IPv6/24 PTR example.com IPv4/24 PTR example.com και συνεχίζει να υπάρχει το πρόβλημα. Μήπως ξέρετε πως μπορώ να το διορθώσω;
  24. Απολαυστικότατα τα video! και η μουσική και η μάθηση!
  25. Δεν ξέρω για τα open source δεν τα έχω δουλέψει αλλά έχω ακούσει τα καλύτερα για phpBB και MyBB.